From Twitter 05-07-2011

May 08, 2011 03:11

  • 00:19:18: Wow. I'm 2.5 years older than Kaley Cuoco? (Penny from Big Bang Theory) How are these awesome ppl (lookin' at you Hodge) younger than me?
  • 00:23:38: When David logs his walk tonight, he's gonna make me look like a slacker. Not only did he go out w/o me, he's going FARTHER. lol
  • 00:27:00: Wait. Farther, or further? :goes to look them up:
  • 00:28:27: No, no, farther is correct. ... Ok, I'm 98% sure it's correct.
  • 00:28:37: Why do I worry about these things more when I'm not feeling well?
  • 00:41:00: @ supershineygirl :shoves Texas heat at you:
  • 01:06:06: @ supershineygirl Yeah, that had me giggling. :D
  • 01:17:09: Jesus. I hold him back. o.o RT @DrJMoriarty: just walked 5.1 mi in 1 hour 24 mins on 5/7/11 at 11:41 PM #cardiotrainer
  • 01:19:13: @ NatalieJumper Well, there's walking, and there's Walking... one is like strolling and one is all business and keeping the heart rate up lol
  • 01:19:42: @ NatalieJumper If you were closer we could do both
  • 01:20:35: @ NatalieJumper lol, I'd probably be holding you both back then :hangs head
  • 02:02:15: @ celizst Mmm thunderstorms. I'd like them without the tornado threats that have accompanied them here lately...
  • 02:22:36: JUST TO RECAP. ... and no one else is online that gets that... :sadface:
  • 02:46:44: @ medjai_trowa YAY!! :D :D :twirls and dips:
  • 02:48:41: @ medjai_trowa :fingers crossed for both of us:
  • 02:49:15: @ medjai_trowa Although Devlin's tweet the other day made it sound like they don't even have enough ppl for this year :/
  • 02:51:09: @ notscarysteve @medjai_trowa It's a shame :/ Especially since it sounds like Con1 is doing really well...
  • 02:51:40: @ notscarysteve That exactly. Or to raise money, like in my case.
  • 02:52:49: @ notscarysteve When you've already got the flight and whatnot, Portland is the kind of city that'll treat you right :)
  • 03:06:35: @ notscarysteve OHOHOH, I'm watching her on Top Chef Masters!
  • 03:06:45: @ notscarysteve Me and D are officially jealousssss
  • 03:11:07: @ notscarysteve I'm sure!
  • 03:27:20: @ bardic_lady He's off the computer but he says (jokingly of course) "Well yeah, everyone knows that lima beans are secret Nazi sympathizers"
  • 03:29:19: @ bardic_lady For a long time I didn't even know they were edible. I remember using them in science projects in school. > >
  • 03:39:42: @ bardic_lady LOL
  • 03:40:08: Ok... I think it's time to suck it up and go to sleep. Tomorrow we get to see @greyrider, @ Anwyl1 and @Caris42! Yay!
  • 12:56:27: Hello Saturday. We're early today...
  • 12:58:26: @ koryou :snuggles: We balance out, or something? ;)
  • 12:59:51: @ celizst :perks up: Hades? What? lol
  • 13:03:35: @ koryou I've been up for an hour... Am trying to convince my body that chocolate != lunch...
  • 13:13:20: @ Ice_Ziggee Oh my...
  • 13:13:32: @ BADFalcon Yay good? (What was good? lol)
  • 13:13:48: @ charlies_dragon :hugs gently:
  • 13:14:31: Ok. Time to eat a little something before we walk to @greyrider's house and get this show on the road. :D
  • 13:15:54: I won't be twitter much (if at all) today... going phone only. Text or DM!
  • 13:15:59: :loves y'all:

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