Happy birthday earthquakedream!!!

Apr 30, 2010 23:48

For earthquakedream's birthday. It's been wonderful knowing you bb, hope you have a gorgeous amazing day! :hugs muchly:

As usual, see the cut text for prompt and rating.

RPS, gothboys!Jared/Jensen - make up sex:
It's the silence more than the shouting that makes Jared sorry for being such an ass, the vacuous weight of it pressing in on him as soon as the door slammed shut; turns out he doesn't have far to go to catch up --no farther than the hallway-- and he doesn't get out much more than I'm sorry before Jensen is shoving him back into his apartment. Jensen tips him over the side of the couch, far too impatient to reach the bedroom, and uses the tangle of Jared's clothes, uses his own chains and straps to pin him there as he claims his mouth, biting his lips, biting his jaw, anger finally fading away into something needier and demanding. Jared's not sure how Jensen gets into their clothes without having to get up, but he can't help pushing up into Jensen's hand, can't help pulling at Jensen's hips to get him closer.

Leverage, Eliot/Parker - sparring:
The girl is unpredictable; it's worked in her favor before and he teaches her to use that, to telegraph movements she isn't going to make and hide the movements she is making, and to do more than just buy enough time to disappear if she needs to. Of course, Parker learns quickly --and really, Eliot should have remembered that-- so he finds himself on his back, pinned tightly to the tune of her crazy-assed laughter.

"If I tap out," he growls, smacking the ground loudly, "you're supposed to get up if you're amused or not!"

Leverage, Eliot/Hardison - bad aim:
"This like the time with the paintball gun?" Eliot asks, smirking, putting his feet up on the counter and keeping an eye on the mark's body guards from across the arcade; ostensibly he's an employee, but there's no kids pressed up against the counter --either too impressed or too intimidated on account of how he's absolutely the most muscular person to ever work there, ever-- so he figures this is as close as he'll get to having a break.

"No, this is not--" Hardison huffs through the comm, then yelps, and Eliot can't help chuckling a little all over again as the leaderboard ticks another point to the opposite team.

"Man, I thought geeks were supposed to be good at laser tag?"

Leverage, Eliot/Parker/Hardison - stuck in an elevator:
Later they'd tell Sophie they were stuck in an elevator -- and it'd be true insofar as they were in an elevator between floors that wasn't moving -- but they would leave out the part about how it was on purpose, how Hardison had hacked into the system so that no one would even realize the one elevator wasn't running. They'd leave out the things Parker had thought of doing, the number of angles she'd thought up just by changing the ways she supported herself by bracing against the walls, by hanging from the ceiling. Not to mention the noises they'd found out Hardison could make --and the noises Eliot would make when he heard them...

RPS, Chris/Jared - last day on earth:
Christian regrets the words as soon as they've left his mouth, tries to backpedal fast enough he can already taste his own boot in his mouth, but he can't look up, just imagining the look on Jared's face is enough to make his chest tighten and the words trip and fall apart in his mouth.

"You're an idiot," Jared says, and it sounds a lot less angry than Christian was expecting, frustrated sure, but more sad than hurt. Christian doesn't expect him to cup his face, doesn't expect the thumb brushing against his cheek, or the way Jared tips his face up, but when their lips brush together, he knows without doubt or question that Jared is saying you should know me better.

RPS, Jensen/Jared/Jeff - caffeine high:
In retrospect Jeff suspects maybe he should have expected it, with the way he went to so much effort to wear Jared out --hell, Jared's the one that usually partakes of dangerous amounts of sugar, wired to the nines with copious energy-- but somewhere along the way afterwards Jensen slid out of bed for some coffee and script reading and who knows what. An hour later Jeff and Jared are still dozing when Jeff becomes vaguely aware of laughter from the other room, of the fact that it's coming closer. They've got about thirty seconds warning when the door opens before Jensen is leaping into the air, a script in one hand and the empty remains of a Red Bull shot in the other, and landing on them both, babbling at high speed about god only knows what (because Jeff sure as hell can't figure it out).

RPS, Jeff/Chris - rough hand:
The touch is course, hands worn and calloused from too many fight scenes, too many guitar strings, the stroke alternately drawn out by desire and hastened by need and either which way Jeff's grip in Christian's hair does nothing to affect it.

"Want inside you," Jeff growls, eliciting a throaty chuckle and earning him a rough thumb stroking over the head of his cock and along the slit; he can't help bucking into Christian's hand, can't hold back his moan, but he can push Christian back, can reverse their positions. "I meant now, boy."

RPS, Chris/Steve - sweet and salty:
Steve swallows the end of his drink, catching the cherry in his teeth as he turns, fully intending to make some smart ass --and oh so very dirty after a long ass set-- remark to Christian, but all thoughts halt where they are because Chris pins him back against the bar. Chris presses his lips against Steve's chest just above the first button, tracing the line of bare skin up to Steve's throat with his tongue, with his teeth, and fisting a hand in Steve's hair. Steve can't help whimpering just a little as Christian claims his mouth, mixing the flavor of his own sweat with the sweet burst of cherry.

presents, cwrps, writing, 3 sentence prompts, i love my flist, goth!boys, kane rps, fic, leverage, happy birthday

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