SPN 5.20 blow by blow

Apr 29, 2010 21:02

I think my previous numbering may or may not be off...

This one might have gaps because B & L suck and took too damn long to get the ingredients for dinner and therefore I may be eating instead of staring. I was dorkishly happy to be told that my blow by blows still amuse people, and so rather than give in and bash B's head in and be a whiny pants moper, I'm going to try and have fun during this episode.

Er. I should probably warn B that there will be stroke, strokiness, deathlike symptoms and pain if I'm interrupted. > >

In the meantime? I caught the first episode of Happy Town last night. I was largely amused (barring the part where I missed a chunk of exposition because I was banging my head into a table to keep from hurting B and therefore was confused for part of the back end of the episode) and was pleased to see that there's a chance this may be a suitable mystery show and there may even be supernatural type elements!

Right then. SO. SPN.

Jess? Dude. And the Horsemen. And CROWLEY! Oh yes.

DON'T HURT THE ADORABLE FUZZY CREATURES. I'm just sayin'. Maybe the cute fuzzies would hurt the guys.

Yes. Who are you.

Ah. The Croatoa virus. Cute. Honest.

hahaha, The Devil You Know.

Oh, was that the shop keeper from the end of the last episode?

:snickers: And it's swine flu.

Watching them act over their masks amuse me. Tooooo much.

surprise!CROWLEY!!! Yay!

He looks so offended at being called a liar. It's awesome. Also, the way he jumps around is awesome.

Going for a direct parallel-reversal with a certain road scene with Ruby before hitting up the witches, no?

THEY ATE MY TAILOR! :dies and loves:

Dean's making a face like Crowley just fed him an invisible lemon...

Oh, smart Crowley. Verrrrry smart. I like you. You're the one I like.

where sneezy's at. Love it.

Ok. Honestly. He's so really completely demon!Sterling and I'm loving it. SO. HARD.

Hm. Who is Mr. CEO? He looks familiar. (oh! Flash Gordon!)

:snickers: Cut throat world of upper management. Nice. We haven't seen that pretty bowl since Meg right?

Somebody's in trooooouble...

Sam's not coming? Haha, good reasoning.

I do love it.

Sam, why are you getting drunk. It never occurs to you that maybe you should stay sober just in case?

Why are you asking if... Oh Sam. Oh you fucking idiot.

I love you Bobby. I love you to pieces. Because you're smart.

Oh Dean. ILU. What'd you think he was gonna do?

And so he waves.

We're only 20 minutes in. SO is this the easy part? Or the hard part?

This conversation is a little clunky. But oh, hurting Dean is therapeutic isn't it? I mean. Uh. :shifty eyes:

Anyway. Crowley cracks me the fuck up. "It's dangerous up there." So the question is, did he split them up on purpose? Or is Dean getting beat up alone just a benefit side affect?

HI CROWLEY!! Ok, that was badass.

"Imagine the surprise on your face." "That's what you get, working with a demon." I love you Crowley.

:raises eyebrow: They've got history?

High level defection... delicate business... Crowley. Please keep talking.

"we're doing this cos I trust you" Oh Dean.

Middle of our sophomore year? Brilliant. Introduced him to Jess? Even better. Just sayin'.

...fluffed... :dies:

You realize your logic is flawed, just by the direct comparison to God, right? I'm just sayin'.

"Lucifer is never gonna let you die" that sounds so dangerous... but it still made me giggle.

Kick over a hive of demons? So help me, if they kill Crowley... I'm just sayin'...

Sam? Really Sam? Can you be more self absorbed? Really?

Evil speech of evil is stupid. Although the revelation that he probably killed her...

:sighs: Really Sam? Is it so easy to yank your chain, after everything?

...What's with the Lost bumps to black here? I like it on Lost. Not so much on SPN.

Mark Sheppard looks more mussed up here than he did when Eliot kicked his ass. Sterling really doesn't lose.

BAHAHAHA. Good play Crowley. you make me happy in my secret demonic places.

... What was that about passion???

Hoshit. Hellhounds.

FUCKER. But I love him for it anyway. And Dean's line is brilliant.

Ok, that? That was a nice effect.


"I'm going to do you a favor." Aka, so Sam can kill him? Oh yes. Oooooh yes.

Actually, demons are really just like humans. But Sam won't think that way. Is it Sam's turn to have a guilt cycle?

Oh. Glimpse of evil!Sammy! But that is hot.

Seriously guys? This is one of those episodes that makes me remember why I loved show. It's got it's eye rolling moments but oh. I really am having so much fun.

Hi Bobby! ... And Crowley. Why are you there?

Owie. I like how ornery Bobby is. I do love it.

And there goes another gun.... crap margaritas... ILU Bobby.

Embarrassing? ... Something to get the magic going? :narrows eyes:

:snerks: more with less.

Natural born idjet. XD

And of course that's where they end it. TEASES. ABSOLUTE TEASES.

Ugghhhhh! Still, an amazing episode. :D :D :D

Though. Wait. Does that mean next week they're going to down Pestilence and Death at the same time? Or is one going to bleed over into the finale, which would be both lame and stupid, because it detracts from closing out a major fucking plotline? :frowns: C'mon guys. Close this one out strong.....

I really want it to be next week now. Is it now? How about now...

episode reaction, supernatural, tv

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