Jan 25, 2010 14:07
It suddenly occurs to me why it's so hard to pick just one thing in that meme I did yesterday. Because to choose one thing is... not flippant, but not serious either. To be honest takes more than one thing, because they're all interconnected. I can't talk about one thing I like about a person because it's the person that I like, holistically. It's the person that matters, that makes an impact in my life, from the silly stupid things to keeping me upright when I'm ready to fall under the weight of my own stupidity (or whatever, cos it isn't always stupid, is it?). I picked silly things in my answers because there's no way to incorporate what a person means to me in a single item. Which isn't what the meme was asking for, but which was the answer I wanted to give, and I found it more than a little frustrating. I didn't like my answers cos they didn't seem like enough.
But. Yeah. There you have it. Short of waxing lyrical to those of you I really ought to, anyway. It would take a while, what with explaining how much I appreciate you for the sanity you give me, for the pretty words and images, for all the smiles and putting up with me when really I need to be smacked upside the head repeatedly (and sometimes telling me when I don't). But with more explicit details, obviously. Because I'm not waxing lyrical here. Honest.