Leverage 2.12 blow by blow

Jan 27, 2010 22:05

I've been looking forward to this episode so, so much. Ever since Rogers et al tweeted about it way back during filming, not to mention all the little hints and whatnot that he's dropped in his blog. And the previews? Yeah.


Hi Maggie!!

... ok, white flashing lights are not good, not good at all. Also, they make me think of MiB...

Awww, Hardison, trying to hit on Parker.

"Join a softball team" :snickers: Nice nudge there writers.

I like the cross argument about Nate's drinking too.

"I only use violence as an appropriate response" I love you Eliot. And Hardison paying the bartender. And the look on Parker's face.

"Seems to rub Eliot the wrong way" Oh Tara. Love the understatement.

Mmm, Eliot growling at Sterling...

"The most honest person we know but besides that she's ok" I love you Parker

"Do not mention the old office" And you too Hardison.

Have I mentioned I love Sterling? And this whole hatred thing between Eliot and Sterling?

"retrieve my wife from jail" nice

Wow. What a tie. Like, really. Wow.

Also, I like Nate working with Sterling. And the look on Sterling's face when he says that so very pointedly.

And I love that the Ukranian guy just says no.

Trading favors not forms sounds so... dirty.

... I wanna see what he's writing... Really. Really badly.

:cracks up: "Do you have any idea who that woman's lover is" I love it.

Oh Maggie. Maggie I love you dearly. Smart, smart woman.

Hi Parker! I love how surprised they are. but not really. And with the running of the times. Savant, I tell you.

And that smug ass look on Sterling's face when Maggie walks in...

I love how Maggie appreciates Parker making her a bag. Even when there's explosives involved.

And I love that Parker doesn't know what she should offended over.

"Eliot already punched him" "this looks like gum, it's not gum" hehehehe

"Crime suits you" That line should not have been so sexy.

What on earth is Parker wearing? Oh. OH! Oh my god, bride... oh man. :dies:

"Really? I don't" heh.

"Just do that thing with your eyes that scares people" I love you Tara. I really, really do. And of course Eliot's making the evil face.

And of course. It's going to work. Because they're just that...

Oh my god. If he keeps growling like this around Tara, she needs to say. I'm just sayin'. Sweet Jesus.

"Like love?" :chokes:

Oh Sophie. We miss you. (And also, I love how the writers are keeping her involved. It's working really well for me.)

Oh Hardison. We respect the van.

Um. Nate. You should listen when Sterling has something to say. Oh.

OH SWEET MOTHER. Maggie's dating the mark??? Sterling you're such a bastard! This is gonna be great... "try to have fun now"

Ok. Tara being clingy, and then going for a drink, as Nate gives Maggie pointed remarks..... This is part of his drinking again isn't it.

Loving the jabs between Nate and Tara.

Also? Loving that Eliot is more or less running the job.

Of course Tara and Maggie would get along. The two of them laughing together is awesome.

Nate is not as awesome at lying to Maggie as he thinks he is. She so can tell something is up.

Oh. Oh my. Sterling. Playing drunk. Just.... so much win.

HAHAHA. Hardison, feedback in Sterling's earpiece. :snickers:

"I've heard that voice before" flashback to "that's the voice you use on a mark" scene. I do so love you Maggie. Clever woman. Love the tie in, too. You can see why they were good together, once upon a time.

Oh, shit. Hello white flashy light. At least this time we see that it's a taser. Even if they don't knock you unconcsious, usually. Right?

And this is where I start adoring Eliot's professionalism. And really, Sterling, do you think you're going to talk over Eliot on this one? The retrieval specialist?

.... Punch up artist? Are you completely unaware of his reputation?

Oh Maggie. Oh honey...

I love how the outsider is the one proving Nate right. And yelling at them for the stupid argument.

Oooooo, nice teamwork there Nate and Maggie.

Really? Really? It was the random dude? Ok, didn't see it coming. But it's made of win, yeah.

Oh. I like the team being on the edge of this. Be smart guys. I want you to be really smart...

I'm waiting for the next twist, toooooo much tension!

Of course Maggie kisses him. Like I said, too much tension...

Oh my. That smirk. Note to self: Never, ever cross Eliot Spencer.

"First bomb's always the hardest"

Ah, the gorgeous recap. Hardison's magic. And of course the bad guy gets what's coming to him.

"People underestimate you Eliot" Maggie? You're adorable. Like, seriously.

Oh Sterling. You're such a bastard. Love how it plays into him waiting in a trunk think from s1. And of course he's asked to join Interpol. That... should make things interesting later. Oh my...

"Now you're part of the team." I love how that's what makes Eliot accept her, lol.

Ok, this closing sequence between Nate and Maggie? Gorgeous. The points she brings out, the fact that she likes who he's becoming (barring the drinking thing)... yeah. Great reflection.

In related news, Rogers tweeted this about the postgame:
Will do the #leverage "Bottle Job" question session tomorrow. 206 bloody posts, and I'm a bit busy writing the S3 opener.

Also, regarding Kane's Top 5 this week...

Christian Kane's Weekly Top 5: January 27, 2010
This week’s Christian Kane’s (Eliot Spencer) Top 5 list is hot off the presses. Just in time for a fresh new episode of LEVERAGE air on TNT. If you want to suggest a Top 5 list that you want Christian to answer, please contact Christian through his website at www.ChristianKane.com . While you are there, check out Christian’s entirely new website where he will is offering a FREE MP3 download of the song THE HOUSE RULES from his upcoming album.

“T5 -
Reasons I like working for Dean Devlin

1. I'm a guy... He blows shit up!
2. He believed in me
3. "Sometimes he lets me fight" (Tapout Job)
4. I get to scratch him off my list
1. Dean Devlin +
2. Stephen Spielberg +
3. Jerry Bruckheimer +
4. George Lucas
5. Clint Eastwood
5. It's always nice to kiss the guys ass who gives u ur favorite job in the world.. Oh, and also signs your checks!

First of all, it's sweet. Second of all? #3. Just... yeah.

PS: Can it be next Wednesday already? That trailer... the people who make them are evil, y'all.
ETA: There's mentions of what they show in the teaser in the comments. You have been warned.

geekgasm, episode reaction, leverage, tv

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