Awww, the old couple. "The painting made it out... but he did not."
"It's what we do" Mmm team...
Oh, Nate and Sophie. Why does Marlow and Archer sound familiar...?
Oh, the cross teaming already already. Boss is pulling them out?
But it's showing the other team already running what they need. I like the cross dialog of that...
So are they gonna gonna find nothing?
Oh god, the painting that's there instead. Oh wow. Nice. :giggles:
And the boss recognizes her.
Hehe, Parker and secret Nazi's...
Ohoh, Eliot's face. Oh, oh... Sophie with the bomb.
"Please don't poke at the motion sensative bomb..." hee~
Instant pudding? I love it. I love it a lot.
And not leaving her. ... Or not wanting to...
Pretty boom. So I'm assuming that was her place. For a couple reasons, one of them being that I'm pretty sure they would've shown the bar below...
BAD show... making it look like Sophie's actually dead.
Although Eliot's blunder makes me giggle. And Parker going on like that...
So, I wonder if Katherine's her real name? (Or however it's spelled. Heh.) Not that they'd bury Sophie for real as Katherine.
Nice, with the dark veil.
And ah. The bad guy. And oh, so he actually put a hit on her? I wasn't expecting that...
Not only does she know who's to blame, but she has stuff pulled up on the computer for him too?
The amused look on Eliot's face, and then asking about being with Sophie first or outsmarting him, and then the look he gives Parker. And Hardison's seeing other teams comment.
Ok, the level of teamwork (and intuitive tech, but hey) in this planning scene makes me happy. I like the way they're juxtaposing the teams so far, I really do. I'm already hoping they don't go to prison forever and ever just so they can come back later in some form or another. This rivalry totally shouldn't be lost.
Oh, I remember bts photos on set from this I think... I do...
I'm really loving the "I'm not dead" thing that's running... Great gag...
Mmm, pretty scarf on Hardison...
I respect the van, Hardison. But no, Sophie, there's no ventilation in there...
Oh, oh cross channel feeds... Oh, this is gonna be good.
OH MY GOD I love Apollo SO HARD for that move!
Gorgeous, with the baby monitors and and the zombies.
And oh, they've recognized each other haven't they... Ok, the hidden threat not fighting before you fight thing? Is really, really hot.
Pick pocket war ftw!
And the cowboy joust of AWESOME between Hardison and Chaos. Dude, just... seriously. So much love. So much LOVE.
And Sophie just closing the laptop.
Ok, no, no Eliot being run through with a sword....
And he notices his wallet's missing. Screws everyone over...
Sword fight... and a room full of corpses... :purrs: And the look he throws back at her, when they're both pulled away by their bosses...
Details. About the death. By mop. ... He so wants her... (hell, I want her...)
Parker gets the Star Trek comment!
The cross-team conversation is the best cross-conversation of all time...
o.O He uses Nate's catch phrase? As
earthquakedream said in chat, Sophie has so got a type...
And cue security getting distracted by a game as usual...
What is Sophie driving?
And what the hell is Nate doing? :giggles: Ok, that's awesome...
I love that they're giving Nate a heart to heart.
And a bird sets off all the motion sensors. Planned... yes. Hello Apollo.
...And Mossad chick. Oh... Oh Eliot speaking Hebrew? :whimpers:
I love how the hackers are bickering like 12 year olds.
And he's posing as NATE? Oh this is brilliant...
I love Parker and Apollo trading bird choices.
Did he really just rip her shirt? Really? :squeaks: And she's all wet. Ah~ so that's how they're explaining the scar.
Ok, Chaos locking Hardison out and Parker being stuck in the lasers is a great tension point. I like that they don't have the upper hand so easily, that these guys really can go head to head and maybe win.
The question is, of course, what's Sophie been doing this whole time?
Wow, he actually didn't expect her to be alive?
Ok, dude, the Entrapment gig? So much hotter when Parker does it. I'm just sayin... And Parker pinning Apollo to the floor...
Hardison with the handcrank...
Ok, this fight is completely... um... um... :whimpersqueakflails: that's one way to keep her from fighting you...
Oooh... oh nice. Nice switch up there... Chaos as the bad guy. The underlining bad guy.
BOOM, pretty.
He won't trade for his crew, or his career, but he'll trade for the painting. :amused:
Hee~ Parker + Apollo and Eloit + Mossad make me giggly.
Oh, the fact that they gave him a fake and framed Wil with the real one. Oh that's gorgeous...
Oooo, are we about to hear Sophie's real name? Really? Awww... that's a sweet statement. "let me bury the rest of them until there's just me"
And... then they don't kiss. Awwwww. Wow. That was the first Nate/Sophie moment that felt genuine, and that I didn't mind. It was sweet, and at once melancholy and hopeful, and such a strong note to end the season on.
Or, well, would have been, anyway. Heh. I also really like where the team is at. Comfortable with eachother, almost at their height, I suppose, and we're left with the lingering question about what happens when Nate ends up losing...
All in all , the episode was exceptionally enjoyable. Probably one of my favorites...
Now. How long do I have to wait to get all the hot Eliot/Mossad fic? :leaves out wine and handcuffs for the plot bunnies and muses:
Oh yeah, you better believe I'm gonna be catching the re-air... 45 min and counting...