Yeah, with spoilers ahead

Jul 07, 2008 15:05

ETA: The season premier's date isn't a spoiler is it? > >;; ::adds it behind the cut::

Stolen here.

SEPTEMBER 4TH! ::marks calandar ferociously::

Lazarus Rising, huh? Way to be creative about the premier title. Sounds like it would be an awesome title for a fanfic, but an episode, not as much. Although it does remind me of their title choices back in season 1 heh. It just seems... pretentious somehow.

What I'm more intrigued about? AZAZEL. If its really him? Several shades of awesome. I've missed good ol'Azzie, seriously, and unless they totally fuck this up? Yeah.

I'm also looking over the spoilers here, but it seems like a script and thats too much spoiling even for me...

But color me intrigued. And hopeful. Hrmm...

And now, back to reading fic and plotting things for jaydecrow. Mmmm, crack ftw...


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