
May 05, 2008 03:08

1: Iron Man was a fantastic action movie with just enough character development to keep me happy (especially considering Marvel's track record with its films). Hell, even Ebert put it in his number one slot for the weekend. Robert Downy Jr was everything he needed to be, and a smart ass to boot. They even made a point of showing him screwing up as he developed the suit, which, y'know, I was starting to think Stark could do no wrong at this point. Gwyneth Paltrow put in a surprisingly enjoyable supporting performance. Not that I don't like Paltrow, but I never saw her doing a comic movie. She provides a good balance, especially considering the distinct absence of a character I'd been looking forward to-- Jarvis. Yeah, ok, they made him an AI and plugged him into the suit (which, AWESOME on the latter) but that just isn't Jarvis dammit. Also? Never knew what SHIELD stood for. I'm such a bad comic clerk. Seriously.

What takes the cake though, is what you get to see when you stay after the credits. I didn't think they'd do it. Its the sort of thing that was a shiny moment in the Ultimates universe, a stroke of brilliance on the part of Millar that I thought could never see life off the page. But the bastards did it. Not only are they building towards an Avengers movie. But they show you Nick Fury.

And its fucking Samuel L. Jackson. w00t!!!!!! I was literally not breathing for about... oh, ten minutes at least. N and I were both squeeing (which I have to say, is a bit bizarre. The guy is 6'3" and built like a Norseman...) for the rest of the night.

2: I've finally got Ubuntu 7.10 installed on Sydney. Of course, I haven't got the bugs worked out yet, illustrated by the fact that after a certain amount of time it freezes. Out of nowhere. My friend George (who does something with tech for his profession but hell if I remember what it is) has it running a Memtest right now. Its in the middle of its 4th pass and no errors have popped up. The next step will probably be attempting to see what upgrades are available. Sigh. Just couldn't be easy, could it?

ETA: So I forgot about fsck, but apparently George can't get it to run. Sat at my computer for 45 min doing coding type things that I can't begin to understand let alone name. Seems to think there could very well be something wrong with the hd, I think. But he doesn't have a cd he needs? Or something. Its 4am though and I have to be at work at 10. Windows partition seems to be fine, at least, so I'll be functional at work. Son of a bitch.

3: I'm officially 25. Goddamn where does the time go...?

computer, life, movies

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