The weekend of insanity begins!

May 02, 2008 13:24

Today at work the new Magic set has come out. Tonight we're having an invitation only sale. After that I should hopefully finally see Iron Man. Tomorrow is FCBD, and Ryan may be calling out so he can get drunk tonight, so I'd need to cover. Sunday we're moving around store furniture so that the guests for Monday have some place to sit. Monday sees the end of FCBD and 3 special guests so hopefully we'll be busy despite being the first day of finals.

Oh. And monday will also be my birthday. Finally. :) I don't even know what's actually going on for that.

Supernatural last night... made me happy. I could be more coherent and actually comment but I'm waiting for the minion to come back from buying a new car battery so I can get food and am juggling things in the meantime. Feel free to comment at me and later I'll be, y'know, responsive. Assuming I haven't gone totally mad.

Mad I tell you!

... Ok, so maybe all I've had so far today is Vitamin Water (aka, sugar...).

So yeah. I'ma shut up and go back to work now. (And then, of course, I realize that estei and refur have posted fics that I'll need to read. And shit t-shirt challenge was due yesterday. Sad that I realize that because its Sam's birthday. Oh, that means it's my kitten's birthday! ... Yeah, shutting up now. Hee.)

ETA: Is it sad/weird that I was excited to have a customer with a Scottish accent? I kind of adore the accent, but listening to it in movies just really isn't the same as in person and... Ok, so a guy with a proper brogue could probably talk me into anything, and he was sweet to boot and... Oh nevermind...

life, birthday, supernatural, work

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