Apr 20, 2011 19:27
24. It ain't all about the cookin' by Paula Deen What an interesting memoir! Paula didn't always have it easy but she always had that steel magnolia thing goin' on. This is a woman who deserved her bread to land butter side up. Really enjoyed reading her story.
25. Born Round by Frank Bruni Frank, Frank, Frank - how self-involved can one memoirist be? Which I realize is a somewhat ridiculous question but still. Here's a guy who wrote a book about priests and sexual abuse, covered wars, covered the Bush Presidential campaign, wrote a book about that, was stationed in Rome to cover the Vatican for the NY Times and then ended up the NY Times Food Critic. But what is most of this memoir about? What size pants he was fitting into at any given time in his life. Eating disorder was/is heartbreaking but Frank? Could you have given me a little more of the good stuff? 'cause I know you KNOW what the good stuff is, I've read it, I've loved it and you describe it all so well! I did love all this words about his family and friends - they sound like absolute gems. Just wish the food critic stuff and some of the rest of it wasn't given such short shrift.
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