62.) Text

Nov 05, 2010 02:49

[After putting Bennett to bed, Herz went looking for his friends. Firstly, Tanvir.

He doesn't like that he found his room empty. And he'd really rather skip checking the impromptu medical bay if he can. He just--

The blood. And all. And bad memories of hospitals stays and what they mean.

So...while he doesn't have the constitution to go digging, he' ( Read more... )

hat u boat, angst, ffffuck life, what even, still here, sad day, gd stutter, friends

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[text] tanvirus November 5 2010, 06:57:08 UTC

[Oops. Flailed a little too hard trying to grab the comm there.

Herz. Herz is alive and he's okay and--holy fuck, Tan thought his typing was awful, he's got nothing on Herz--but that's not the point, the point is--

Did he heal? Is he--]

are you okay? i'm in quarantine.

[The length of time between the first incoherent keyboard smash and the second transmission and the fact that he's using punctuation and real spelling might give Herz a hint that something is off.]


[text] havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:00:33 UTC
[He just needs to see 'quarantine' to know something is off.]

im fine why aer eyou in quarintine //

[He types as fast as he can and sends it almost immediately. Fuck his fail spelling, why aren't you here when he needs you?]


[text] tanvirus November 5 2010, 07:02:24 UTC
[God, Herz, he's about to ask you to do something he knows you hate. He hopes you'll forgive him.]


let me see you?

[He's not answering anything until he sees Herz with his own eyes.]


[text] 1/2 havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:03:33 UTC
[Five minutes later...]

u bettr do the same


[video] havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:07:26 UTC
[Have a Herz. He's not smiling, he's just barely visible because he's...sort of sitting in your room with the light off. Thankfully, the door's hanging wide open, so it at least highlights bits of him.

Jesus, he'll have to reshoot this, won't he?]


[video] tanvirus November 5 2010, 07:12:04 UTC
[No, it's good enough. It's good enough for him, Herz, it really is. He watches it half a dozen times, and then a few more for good measure.

After ten minutes or so, he remembers that fair is fair. He switches on the video.

Have a shot of Tanvir, Herz. He's sitting on the floor (where else?), leaning against a cot and he looks...distinctly worse for wear. There's a nasty looking scratch on his cheek that goes almost all the way to his ear, and assorted other scratches and cuts here and there. But he's alive. And tired looking.]


[Text] havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:16:51 UTC
[Jesus, Tan. You

You aren't allowed to look like that somewhere where Herz can't get to you. He doesn't wait to respond. He watches it twice, then gets right on that.

Ps, you should be grateful he assumed something was distracting you from getting back to him.]

s good to see yuo

keep tha cut clean because infections on yrface hurt like a bitch


[Text] tanvirus November 5 2010, 07:21:02 UTC
i know.

[He's been pretty free with the medical supplies down here. No choice, really, it's not like there's a doctor around that he's seen or anything.]

don't know when they're gonna let us out. soon maybe. have to make sure we're not infected.

[He just lied to you, Herz.]


[Text] havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:24:01 UTC
they you emen the crew/


[Text] tanvirus November 5 2010, 07:27:39 UTC
[Another delay. This time it is half-distraction.]


[And also no. Is the heron-woman really crew? He's not sure.]

we're okay. we have clean clothes and everything.

[...Just no food that he's seen. Maybe he missed it. It's entirely possible, considering how out of it he's been.]


[Text] havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:29:11 UTC
[Herz has closed the door and returned to Tan's bad to curl up against the headboard. So much for finding his friends. He doesn't feel like moving at all now...]



[Text] tanvirus November 5 2010, 07:37:24 UTC

kinda tired, otherwise okay.

[Other than his voice. No reason to mention that, though. It'll come back in a few days anyway.]


[Text] havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:40:26 UTC
[Thank you for running with what may have been the gayest thing he's ever put on the airwaves ever.]

good to hear it.

can yu sleep/

[He hasn't yet. Not since getting back.]


[Text] tanvirus November 5 2010, 07:42:35 UTC
[Is it his imagination or are Herz's typans getting better? That's a good sign, right? It means he's not freaking out, doesn't it?]

yeah. cot's not bad.

[If you count blacking out for a couple hours and taking a cat nap here and there sleep, then yes, he can sleep.]


[Text] havea_heart November 5 2010, 07:47:05 UTC
[No, he's calming down, or maybe just going numb.]

thats good

[At least one of them can.]


[Text] tanvirus November 5 2010, 07:51:20 UTC
you can use my room until i get back if you want.

[Please do, Herz. It would actually make him feel a lot better.]


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