12 Song Drabbles - Many Pairings

Jul 29, 2009 17:59

Title: Song Drabbles
Author: havah24601
Beta: vkyerie
Rating: I'm gonna say... M
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/William Beckett (3), Alex Suarez/Nate Novarro (3), Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross (2), Ryan Ross/Jon Walker (1), Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (1), Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes (1), Oli Sykes/Tom Sykes (1)
POV: Third
Summary:  12 drabbles set to various songs with various pairings. A few are fluffy, a couple are angsty/sad and a few are funny (or are trying to be!)
Disclaimer: This is real...AND I CAN TALK TO MANATEES!
Author's Notes:  I posted links to the songs that I used, but I couldn't find one of them, so I posted al ink to the lyrics.
Songs Used:  Born to Run, My Eyes Adored You, Eight Miles Wide, Last Train Home, Kicking Pigeons, Because I Got High, I Don't Mind, Younger Girl, I'll Follow the Sun, Wondering, Just a Little Bit Bette and Die Hard.

APOLOGY TO MY F-LIST - cutting this entry fucked it up, sorry it's so long...

Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen - Rydon (Panic at the Disco)

“I HATE THIS FUCKING PLACE!” Ryan practically screamed the words as he kicked the side of the brick house that he hated to live in. “I FUCKING HATE IT SO FUCKING MUCH! This house, this mother fucking city, these people; I-”

“Hey.” Brendon placed a firm hand on Ryan’s shoulder, turning him around, kissing him gently. “Hey,” he said again as he pulled back, moving his hand from Ryan’s shoulder to his cheek. “Don’t say that, ok? I know that this place feels like its breaking your bones, but we’ll get out of here, ok? I’ll take you away, I promise. If you hate it that much, I’ll take you away tonight.”

“I can’t stay here another day,” Ryan whispered as he fell forwards against Brendon’s chest, sniffling. “It’s stifling me, breaking me.”

“I’ll protect you,” Brendon whispered. “We’ll go tonight and never, ever come back; it’ll be just the two of us,” he said gently. “Forever.”

“Thank you,” Ryan responded, pulling away from Brendon’s chest and wiping his eyes.

“I love you,” was Brendon’s only response.

My Eyes Adored You by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons - Jalex (All Time Low)

Jack sat on the bench outside of his old high school. He knew that he had been gone for two years, living the teen pop-star dream, but that bench right there, the one that he hadn’t occupied since he was 16, still felt more like home than anywhere else. He waited for the bell to ring, signifying the end of the day. When the bell finally did ring, he stayed where he was, waiting…waiting for him.

He was Alex Gaskarth. Now a senior, Alex was the boy that Jack had left behind, the boy whose books Jack had used to carry home from school, the boy that Jack had dated from 6th grade up through the 10th grade when he had left without saying goodbye, trading the romance for his big break. Most importantly, however, Alex was the boy that Jack missed.

“Barakat?” Jack practically jumped as he looked up. There he was, standing tall, much taller than Jack remembered him. He looked good, so good, in fact, that Jack stared for a second. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I-I came to see you,” Jack stated. He stood up, pulling a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. “Here. This letter explains why I made the decision that I did, but it also explains why…why I came back.” He gulped. “Let me know when you’ve read it. My number’s at the bottom.”

“Yeah.” Alex tucked the paper into his own pocket. “I will.” With that, he walked off, only temporarily leaving behind the boy who had broken his heart two years ago.

Eight Miles Wide by Storm Large - Gabilliam (Cobra Starship, The Academy Is…)

William looped his arm around the waist of a VERY drunk Gabe. The young man rolled his eyes as Gabe rested his head on William’s shoulder, grinning widely before beginning to sing loudly and uncharacteristically off key, bellowing out fragments of a song that William had never heard.

“HEY! My vagina is eight miles wide! ABSOLUTELY everyone can come inside!” Gabe practically shouted.

“Gabe,” William whined. “You don’t have a vagina.”

“It’s like a penis, but reversible!” Gabe screeched, completely ignoring William’s words.

“No.” William shook his head. “It’s not like a penis, it is a penis. Now quiet down and do a little of the work here, I can’t carry your drunk ass home all by myself.”

“I am ENORMOUS, get used to it!” Gabe followed the statement with a loud laugh.

“Yes, yes you are.” William nodded, smirking slightly, though he was still annoyed with his highly intoxicated boyfriend. “Now walk, god damn it!” William pushed Gabe forwards and they very slowly made it back to their apartment. Gabe flopped down on the bed, pulling William down next to him.

“Come on in,” he sang suggestively. “The water’s fine, it’s not MY vagina, it’s OUR vagina!”

“It’s not a vagina…” William reminded, smiling at Gabe. “But I think I’ll take you up on that first part.”

Last Train Home by Ryan Star - Rywalk (Panic at the Disco)

“Stay the FUCK away from my son!” The memory of Ryan’s father slamming the door in his face was the last memory that Jon had of the Ross family. Until now. Ryan was back; Jon had been waiting for this for years. Now he was standing on Ryan’s doorstep, not sure of what he should do. He raised his fist to knock, but just before he did, the door opened and Ryan came into view.

“Jon, I…hi.” Ryan’s eyes widened; he had not been expecting to see Jon. “I was just, you know, heading to your place.”

“I would never have left you,” Jon blurted out. “You had to leave for awhile, I get that, but - but I still love you.”

“Oh god.” Ryan sniffled, tears stinging at his eyes. “I didn’t even know if you’d still be here.”

“Well I am.” Jon shrugged. “So - so how about it? Give me a second try?”

“Of course.” Ryan nodded, pulling Jon into a soft kiss.

“Great.” Jon smiled. “That’s just…Ryan, I missed you.” Jon wrapped Ryan’s small body in a tight hug. “It’s so good to have you back.”

“It’s good to be back,” Ryan whispered, pressing his face against Jon’s neck.

“I love you,” Jon stated.

“I love you too.”

Kicking Pigeons by [spunge] - Nalex (Cobra Starship)

“NATE!” Alex ran after his boyfriend while Nate tore around the park nearest the club that he had just bolted out of. “Nate, slow down!”

“Can’t!” Nate giggled, clearly wasted as he ran about.

“Why not?” Alex, who was significantly less drunk than Nate, rolled his eyes.

“Because I have to catch one!” Nate spoke as though what he was saying was the most obvious thing in the world. He grinned as he ran after a flock of pigeons. “I want to kick a pigeon! I’ve ALWAYS wanted to kick a pigeon!”

“Nate…” Alex sighed as the pigeons all began to fly away, Nate tearing after them. “Nate, leave the poor birdies alone.”

“What’ll you give me if I do?” Nate asked, turning around and sticking his tongue out.

“Let’s go home and you can figure that out for yourself.” Alex winked.

“Fuck the pigeons.” Nate headed towards Alex, preferring the bassist’s offer.

“No, fuck me,” Alex corrected.

Because I Got High by Afroman - Olix (Bring Me the Horizon, All Time Low)

Oli sat on his bed, letting a puff of smoke escape his lips. His windows had been shut tight and a towel had been shoved under the small space between the locked door and the hallway. He lay back on his bed, a smile on his face as he took another hit from the self-rolled blunt. The red letters on his digital clock alerted him to the fact that it was 2 in the afternoon. His room was a mess, clothes everywhere. His backpack lay open and forgotten on the floor and his homework was barely even half finished, but he didn’t care.

Oli wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, but it must not have been very long after he had stamped out the rest of the blunt because when he awoke with a start, he felt very, very rested. What woke Oli was someone bursting through the door.

“Did you REALLY skip school to get high AGAIN?” Alex Gaskarth, Oli’s boyfriend sighed as he threw his backpack to the ground and went to go sit beside Oli.

“Yup.” Oli nodded, shrugging it off.

“Stop doing that!” Alex rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

“Oh you don’t really care,” Oli teased, punching Alex’s arm playfully.

“Yes, I do!” Alex sighed. “If you’re going to skip class to light up, you should at least let me know so that I can come with you, I mean I AM your boyfriend, right?”

“Of course.” Oli smiled, leaning in and kissing Alex. “I won’t forget next time, don’t worry.”

I Don’t Mind by Anything But Joey - Gabilliam (Cobra Starship, The Academy Is…)

The second that the movie started, William burst into tears. Sisky looked at him out of the corner of his eye, not sure how to react.

“Uh, Bill?” Sisky asked, gesturing at the screen. “It’s just the FBI Warning…” Sisky raised an eyebrow. “The movie hasn’t even started yet.”

“I-I know.” William sniffled. “But I miss him! We used to watch movies together all of the time!”

“He’s not gone, Bill,” Sisky sighed, pausing the movie and putting his arm around William. “You guys parted as friends, remember? You can still watch movies with him.”

“Nooo,” William yowled. “It’s not the same! I didn’t want to let go! I love him!”

“Work kept you guys apart too much,” Sisky informed William. “It’s better this way.” He bit his lip. “Really, it is, you’ve said so yourself.”

“NO!” William shook his head. “You don’t get it! I feel like I STILL belong to him, like I’m always gonna belong to him!”

“You won’t.” Sisky shook his head.

“I WANT to always belong to him, I don’t want the other fucking fish in the motherfucking sea!”

“So call him.” Sisky held out his phone. “Tell him that.”

“I can’t.” William sighed. “If I do, he’ll come back.”

“Exactly.” Sisky pressed the phone into William’s hand, watching as the singer began to dial.

Younger Girl by The Lovin’ Spoonful - Nalex (Cobra Starship)

Alex sighed as he sat down on a bench in the park. It was a lovely spring day and he wanted to be outside, but none of his friends were around, so he had gone to the park alone.

“This spot taken?” Alex looked up to see a young man, boy perhaps, younger than him, no doubt. Alex tried to think of what to say, but the boy was beautiful with soft, dark brown eyes and well kept hair. “Um,” the boy gestured towards the second half of the bench. “Can I sit?”

“Uh…” Alex bit his lip, blinking a few times, realizing that he might be ok if he didn’t look into this boy’s eyes. “Yeah, sure, sorry.”

“I’m Nate.” The boy sat down, offering Alex his hand to shake.

“Alex.” Alex shook the hand quickly before dropping his arms to his sides.

“You were checking me out,” Nate stated.

“I wasn’t!” Alex gulped, alarmed by what Nate was saying.

“Yes you were.” Nate smirked as he nodded. “I mean it was pretty evident; so evident, in fact, that I wouldn’t be surprised if you flew around at night wearing a cape and a mask, moonlighting as Captain Obvious.”

“I wasn’t…” Alex muttered again, kicking at the ground with the toe of his sneaker.

“We should go out tonight,” Nate stated, ignoring Alex’s lie.

“How old are you?” Alex asked, looking up at Nate, surprised by the boy’s words.

“Old enough.” Nate smiled.

“How old?” Alex asked again.

“19,” Nate replied. “Old enough.”

“Alright.” Alex nodded. He knew that he should have said no, in a couple of years they might be more suited for each other, at least according to his friends, but he didn’t want to wait. “Eight o’clock, meet me here.”

I’ll Follow the Sun by The Beatles - Rydon (Panic at the Disco)

Brendon sat up the second he awoke. The other half of the bed was empty. He checked the clock on the bedside table. It read 7 AM. Ryan never awoke before 9 when he didn’t have to, but his side of the bed was cold, almost as though he hadn’t even slept in it. Brendon stood up, pulling the sheet around his waist as he walked through the small house. All of Ryan’s things were gone and there wasn’t a trace of the young man. Brendon sighed as he sat down at the kitchen table. He faced the window, watching the rain beat down on the sidewalk outside.

It hadn’t rained in two months, not since the day before Ryan and Brendon got together, and Brendon wanted to think that it rained now because Ryan was gone, but in his heart, he knew that Ryan had left because it was raining. Ryan hated the rain. He was a sunshine boy, all beaches and nice weather. He had made it clear when he had moved in with Brendon on a whim after only three dates that he wasn’t going to stay forever. He had told Brendon that he would leave, Brendon just hadn’t known it would be so soon, he hadn’t known it would be at the first rain.

Ryan sighed as he got on the bus. He put his duffle next to him so that no one would sit beside him and pressed his forehead to the window. He knew that he was losing Brendon as not only a lover, but as a friend and he regretted that, but he also knew that this was how he was and it wasn’t going to change. He knew that he and Brendon were perfect for each other, and maybe that’s what had driven Ryan away. He also knew that Brendon hadn’t realized it yet, that Ryan was the one, but Ryan knew that he would, he just couldn’t help it.

Wondering by Good Charlotte - Sykescest (Bring Me the Horizon)

Oli bit his lip as he looked at his younger brother. Tom was asleep in his own bed. It was early still, the sun had only been out for about 25 minutes, but Oli had been up much longer thinking and now that he had decided what to do, what to say, he had gone into Tom’s room.

“Here goes,” he whispered to himself as he shook his brother awake. “Tom, I need to speak with you.”

“Mmm, five more minutes,” Tom grumbled.

“No, now.” Oli shook his head. He knew that if he let his brother sleep, he would never say what he had come to say.

“Fine.” Tom sat up, frowning. “What the fuck is so damned important that you couldn’t let me sleep later than…god,” he groaned as he checked his watch. “Later than half-five in the fucking morning!”

“I just…” Oli took a deep breath, closing his eyes so that he didn’t have to look at Tom while he spoke. “I’m in love with you, Tom, and if you want me to wait, I will wait, if you want me to piss off and never look at me, that’s fine, I’ll do it. If you want me to stay with you forever, god knows I will and if you don’t want to say anything…that’s ok.” Oli bit his lip. “I’m ok with wondering for the rest of my life, just so long as you know how I feel and it’s not a secret. I had to get that off of my chest.” Oli opened his eyes, looking at Tom for a split second before looking down at the floor.


“No, wait.” Oli shook his head, speaking quickly. “I’ve changed my mind. Don’t tell me if you don’t want me, just tell me that you want me, that you need me…if that’s true, otherwise just don’t say anything.”

“I need you,” Tom whispered, looking up at Oli.

Just a Little Bit Better by Herman’s Hermits - Gabilliam (Cobra Starship, The Academy Is…)

“Why are you with him?” Gabe looked at William. They had barely had a moment alone since William had started going out with Pete. “He doesn’t love you.”

“I know.” William shrugged. “But he really, really likes me and that’s good enough.”

“Look.” Gabe sighed. “He may be able to give you the world when it comes to money, he may be able to take you around the world and make you a fucking instant celebrity, but he can’t keep you happy forever…”

“He takes care of me.” William shrugged again. “Good care of me.”

“Do you love him?” Gabe asked, frowning.

“No.” William shook his head. “But like I said, he takes care of me, Gabe.”

“What use is that, though, if you’re not happy?” Gabe frowned. “He might have more money than you could ever need, but I love you, isn’t that a little bit better than money?” Gabe bit his lip. He hated that William was with Pete and not him, he hated that William wasn’t happy and he hated that William was so convinced that it didn’t matter.

“Love fades.” William shrugged for a third time.

“So what’s your plan?” Gabe asked. “Are you going to just…live with him forever? That’s going to get old, William, so old…”

“And you’re not?” William asked. “You’re saying that I should leave money and security for you?”

“Yes.” Gabe nodded.


“Because I actually feel love for you, William, and despite what you may think, it’s not the kind that fades.”

Die Hard by Guyznite - Nalex (Cobra Starship)

“ALEX!” Nate screamed from the back lounge of their tour bus. “ALEX, COME HERE NOW!”

“What? What is it?” Alex came to a screeching halt next to where his boyfriend sat. “Are you ok? Is something wrong?”

“You have GOT to see this!” Nate beckoned for Alex to sit down.

“You scared me!” Alex rolled his eyes as he sat down next to Nate, looking at the drummer’s laptop screen. “And all for a youtube video?”

“An amazing youtube video,” Nate corrected. “You have got to listen to this song!” He hit the play button and Alex rolled his eyes again the second it began. Of course it would be about Die Hard, Nate’s latest obsession. However, he sat through the video, having no reason not to, as it couldn’t hurt to spend four and a half minutes doing something that Nate had asked him to do.

“Wow…” Alex let out a low whistle, looking at Nate once the video had ended.

“Well? What did you think?” Nate asked, looking excitedly at Alex.

“I think that any song with a chorus that consists of ‘yippy-kai-ay mother fucker’ sung over and over again is something that we have GOT to cover.”

“YAY!” Nate grinned as he pulled Alex into a kiss. “You’re the best! Let’s show it to Gabe!”

“GABE!” Alex screamed. “GABE, COME HERE NOW!”

“What? What is it?” Gabe came rushing into the room. “Is William online?”

“You have GOT to see this!” Alex beckoned for Gabe to sit beside him, kissing a smirking Nate on the cheek before hitting play.

drabbles, jalex, gabilliam, rydon, slash, fanfiction, olix, rywalk, nalex, sykescest

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