Secrets - Part 2 {Sykescest}

Jul 29, 2009 15:32

Title: Secrets
Part: 2/2
Author: havah24601
Rating: M
Pairing: sykecest (tom sykes/oliver sykes)
Summary: By the time Tom's number flashed up on Oli's phone, the young man was already concerned. Around one o'clock, Tom had gone to the shop on the corner to get chewing gum and chocolate, the two things that he didn't do well without. It was almost three AM now and the 19 year old had not so much as called. Until now.
Warnings: incest, coerced consent, mentions of emotional and physical abuse, drugs.

            Oli woke around 10 the next morning to a loud retching sound coming from the bathroom. He stood and made his way to the room, despite the sharp pain coursing through his entire body. Tom was sitting on the bathroom floor, draped over the toilet bowl, expelling the contents of his stomach. Oli knelt beside the boy, gently rubbing his back as Tom continued to flush system of what Oli was sure was an effect of the drugs. Tom spent a long time hunched over the toilet and Oli stayed with him the whole time. Oli had been looking after Tom practically his whole life, but it had become official a little over three years prior.

At 19, Oli had become unable to ignore the frightened look in Tom’s eyes as they locked themselves in their bedrooms, the bathroom, whatever room was closest each time their parents came home upset. The older couple would come home and fight with each other and then when they had realized that neither would win, they would separate and turn on their children. Their father always went for Oli, their mother for Tom and it was hell. Tom took solely verbal and emotional abuse while Oli took only physical, but Oli had never been sure which was worse, Tom’s injured pride and wounded spirit or his own broken body. One night, after holding each other for hours, huddled in the corner of the bathroom, waiting for the threats outside the door to give up and go to sleep, Oli took Tom and ran, something that he had been planning since his band had begun to make money. At the time, Tom had been 16, young and frightened, but Oli had protected him, making sure that Tom wanted for nothing. As a result, Tom’s emotions had healed quickly.

“Wh-what happened last night?” Tom asked, falling against the wall, body weak and face pale from the exhaustion of emptying his stomach.

“You passed out on the sidewalk,” Oli lied. “I carried you home.”

“Oh.” Tom nodded. “Cheers then.”

“It’s nothing. Here.” Oli handed Tom his toothbrush and a glass of water. “Have you been getting enough to eat?” he asked.

“Normally, yeah.” Tom nodded, slowly drinking the water. “Just didn’t feel that hungry yesterday, I guess I’ll have to be more careful about skipping meals.” Oli just nodded, watching Tom as he began to brush his teeth. Now that he was done throwing up, Tom looked to be alright, but after the previous night’s events, Oli was feeling more protective of his brother than ever before.

“Get back into bed,” Oli instructed. “You need the rest; I’ll make you some soup, you should eat something, but then I want you to try and sleep.”

“Alright.” Tom dragged himself to his feet, leaving his toothbrush in the sink as he made his way back to his room.

Tom was completely healthy again the next day and two weeks quickly passed by. Oli had kept a close watch on Tom, making excuses to accompany Tom anywhere that he planned on going by himself, especially at night. Since a young age, the two brothers had depended on each other, telling each other everything what they never felt comfortable telling anyone else, and Oli felt slightly guilty for lying to Tom. This was only the third time in his life that Oli kept a secret from Tom, but in all three cases, it was just another form of protection; Tom was honestly better off not knowing.

The first time that Oli lied to Tom was about a lawsuit that had been filed against him. Shortly after Oli and Tom had run away, their parents had tried to charge Oli with kidnapping Tom. They said that while Oli could legally do as he please, his younger brother was only a child and belonged at home with his parents; they had wanted Tom back. The charges had been dropped, however, when Oli had assured them that he would fight for guardianship of Tom with charges of physical and emotional abuse. He lied to them, saying that Tom intended to testify if it came down to it, but he was telling the truth when he promised them that he would have a better lawyer and that there was no way that his parents would win custody of Tom while he, Oliver, was still alive. Oli had told them that they had a choice, drop the suit and get out of the brother’s lives or they could continue to press charges and wind up in jail. That was the last time that either of them had heard from their parents.

The second time was still a secret to anyone and everyone aside from Oli.

“Oli, I need to talk to you.” Tom bit his lip as he sat down across the table from Oli, looking at his older brother. “I need to know what really happened the night that you said I passed out on the sidewalk.”

“Tom, I told you, nothing else happened…”

“Really?” Tom asked. “I don’t want to think that you’re lying to me, but you’ve been really, really protective lately and I’ve passed out before, but I’ve never been sick after.” He sighed. “I’ve also been having dreams where I’m walking down the sidewalk, someone stops me, things start to get fuzzy and the last thing that I remember before I wake up, always in the same spot of the dream, mind you, is someone sticking a needle in my arm.”

“It’s just a dream.” Oli shrugged. “And I’m always protective of you.”

“I know that you are.” Tom nodded. “And at first, I thought that it was just a dream too, but it seems so real, it’s exactly the same every single time and after the third night, I checked my arm, I noticed a mark just like the ones I get when I have to get a shot.”

“Tom, leave it, yeah? You’re fine, it’s all back to normal now.”

“I’m not a baby, Oliver.” Tom shook his head. “I can’t just drop this, I’m missing a piece of my life from that day. I know that you know what it is and I know that you’re lying about it to protect me, but stop, please? It’s my life, I deserve to know what’s happened.”

“You may deserve to know what’s happened, but Tom, trust me, you don’t want to know. It’s not a happy story and it’s definitely not a pretty one.” Oli hung his head, wanting more than anything for Tom to let it go.

“Oliver, if you’re protecting me from it the way that I know you are then it must be something bad, but I’m alive and I’m safe, no doubt thanks to you. No matter how bad or scary what happened was, I think that it’s much more frightening knowing that something happened to me and not knowing what it was.” Tom gulped as he looked down at his older brother. “You’ve always done what is best for me, Oli, even if it wasn’t what was best for you, so I’m asking you, please, I need to know. I can’t sleep at night, wondering what’s happened, playing through a hundred terrible possibilities in my mind. Maybe you’re right, maybe I can’t handle it, but you’ll help me, I know that you will.”

“Alright.” Oli nodded, lowering his head, feeling slightly defeated as he got up from the table. He led Tom towards the couch. “Make yourself comfortable, this isn’t going to be a pleasant tale.”

“I know.” Tom gulped as he sat down next to Oli on the sofa. Oli looked at Tom, closing his eyes for a second and taking a deep breath before he began.

Oli told Tom what had gone down that night, leaving out very few details, most of which concerned how much physical pain the man had caused him during sex. By the time he was finished speaking, Tom was crying softly; the thing that Oli hated most in the world was Tom crying. Oli looked down, unable to make eye contact with his brother.

“I’m sorry, Tom,” Oli whispered.

“Sorry?” Tom shifted as he looked up at Oli.

“Well yeah…” Oli sighed. “It was all because of me that he even targeted you.”

“Oliver, shut up. I can’t believe that you’d go through that for me. After all of the risks and beatings you’ve taken in my name, you just…you shouldn’t have done this.” Tom scooted closer to Oli, wrapping his arms around his brother’s torso, burying his face in Oli’s chest. “You should have let me take this one.”

“No.” Oli shook his head. “You’re the only thing that I love, Tom. I couldn’t risk you getting broken, not now, not after you’ve made it through so much.”

“You really would do anything to keep me safe, wouldn’t you.” The words left Tom’s mouth phrased as anything but a question. He had no doubt that what he was saying was true, a fact which Oli confirmed a second later.

“I would die, Tom, if it meant that you would get to live even one more day.”

The next thing that Oli knew, Tom was kissing him. Kissing him like he needed him, kissing him as though life depended on it. Tom’s hands pulled Oli closer, resting on his brother’s cheeks, and seconds later, Oli was kissing him back. Oli circled his arms around Tom, holding him gently, protectively even after they broke away, lying on the couch, Tom’s head resting on Oli’s chest while Oli played gently with Tom’s hair.

“I love you,” Tom whispered.

“This isn’t the sort of love that we’re supposed to feel for each other,” Oli replied.

“Doesn’t matter.” Tom shrugged, turning around and kissing Oli gently. “I feel it anyways.”

“I love you too.” Oli smiled, placing his hand on Tom’s cheek, gently caressing the flawless skin.

“Then don’t let me go,” Tom said softly.

“I couldn’t if I wanted to,” Oli stated. “When it comes down to it, you’re all I’ve got.”

As Oli looked at Tom, he realized that he had only one secret left, only one event kept from his little brother, and he made up his mind to tell Tom soon, but they had both had enough for that day. “I love you,” he whispered, kissing Tom gently on the cheek. “Always have, always will.”

sykescest, slash, fanfiction

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