Happy Campers Moment Meets Awkward Society Questions

Jul 10, 2009 19:50

For those of you who don't know, I work at a day camp. I work with the 5 year olds normally, but on Friday, all of the groups come together and just hang out. Today, a boy from the 10/11 group came out to me.

He just walked up to me, asked if I was "counselor Emily," I said that I was, he said Counselor Chris said to talk to me about what was bothering him, and I'm like, ok kid who's name I don't actually know, what's up? and he was like "I'm gay, I have a boyfriend." And I was like Dude! You're not gay! You're 10! But I didn't say that out loud, I was like...uh...cool?

He proceeded to tell me that one of the people he lived with - he didn't say who, had been talking about some guy on TV who was a disgrace because he had a boyfriend.

I'm kind of worrying about this kid, but he seemed to be ok! I mean he's 10, he's decided that he's gay, he's got a boyfriend, someone in his house is gonna have a problem with that if they find out... He was a smiling, happy kid though, so I think he'll be alright in life.

Slightly worrysome on a smaller note...why did Chris tell him to come to me? I've NEVER spoken to Chris one on one. Someone is "office gossiping" about my intense bisexuality! Good fun.


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