Stuck in This FUCKING Rut

Jul 10, 2009 00:05

I've had it - I can't take any more and compared to most people, I don't even HAVE problems, so how the fuck do THEY stand it?

I used to have friends, which fucking ROCKED! But then I went to motherfucking Ohio and I was too much of a weirdo for them, so I stayed in my room all of the time and god weirder.

I failed to make friends in Ohio because I was too weird and I've managed to become WAY too separated from the friends I have back home BECAUSE I went off of the fucking deep end IN Ohio - now I'm too much of a Hippie for Cleveland and not ENOUGH of a hippie for portland.

I lost my best friend to boys, I lost my Max to mother fucking Cuppy Cakes, my sister is 5 feet of  solid.sociopathic muscle and can make a LIE sound more convincing than the truth that I tell.

I spend my day working with a girl who HATES Me beacuse I do my job better than she does, which is the ONE thing that I'm good at - can't I at least have ONE thing that I'm good at without being directly and immediately loathed because of it?

The girl that I'm in LOVE with likes me but won't be with me because I don't have a fucking dick and she can't make sense of two girls.

My mother is to weak to stand up to my sister, my dad has given up.

I've tried to be a good friend, I really have, but I can't fucking do this anymore! I need something that's real and I feel like EVERYONE has found it but me - aside from TWO of my gals, all of my real life friends are shit friends and the only people who SEEM to care about me on the internet...and if they new me in real life, they'd hate me.

What the FUCK am I supposed to do now?

Don't answer that. It was fucking rhetorical.

blog, angst

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