Wilkenbyrn - Chapter 2 {One Direction, AU}

May 06, 2012 14:17

Title: Wilkenbyrn
Author: Havah24601
Chapter: 2/?
Rating: M (Just in case)
Pairing: Louis/Harry, Liam/Zayn
Warnings: AU, kidnapping, violence, illness
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, which is probably for the best. With the help of alifeofourown, the town of Wilkenbyrn and the disease of Ozaria's Syndrome were created. I repeat, they are MADE UP. Also, none of this is true.
Summary: Harry Styles, the son of corporate CEO Aldous Styles is kidnapped by a group of four boys intent on holding him for ransom. What Harry initially assumes is a malicious attack on his family soon turns into something more when he realizes that his father's company has been poisoning the impoverished town of Wilkenbyrn, causing the residents to become infected with Orazia's Syndrome.
Author's Note: This is sort of filling  this prompt over at the kink meme...but not really.
Previous Chapters: ll  Breakdown and Introduction ll Chapter One II

"Is he going to stop his shrieking?" Zayn asked as Louis walked back downstairs and pulled his mask off.

"Yes." Louis nodded, sitting down at the table in the fairly barren kitchen. This house didn't have a lot, but it had what they needed to make this work. He grabbed a water bottle from near by and took a long sip of the safe water. "He's aware of the rules and of what's going to some extent. I've assured him that we won't hurt him, but he's more than a little bit shaken."

"You can't blame him," Niall stated, shaking his head. "What we're doing, it isn't right."

"I know." Louis sighed. He hated that it had come to this, but too many people were in danger. "But we had no choice. My sisters, your brother, Zayn's sister...Liam..." Louis looked over to Liam, who was lying on the couch, exhausted from the minimal effort that the kidnapping had taken. "They're all sick, and so many more are too. People are going to start dying soon if they don't get the treatment, and we can't get that for them until we have the money to pay for it. There's no other way. The court case was buried, this is all we have left."

"I know." Niall nodded. "But it still doesn't feel right."

"That's because it's not right," Louis stated. "But it doesn't matter, we don't have a choice. We won't hurt him, the worst thing that's going to happen to him is a little fear. He's innocent, we just need him as the lynchpin."

"How do you know that?" Zayn asked, standing from next to the couch, where he was tending to his boyfriend. "How do you know he's so innocent? How do you know that he's not in on this with his evil bastard of a father?"

"I just do," Louis stated. "He has no idea what's been going on, and if it comes to it, we'll tell him, but right now I need you to stay calm, we all have to stay calm. When we panic and get freaked out, that's when we lose control over the situation and you all know that we can't afford that."

"And Liam can't afford not getting treatment!" Zayn stated, frowning at Louis.

"What are you saying, Zayn?" Louis asked.

"I'm saying that your plan had better fucking work," Zayn seethed. "Because if it doesn't, we'll have to take things in a more...direct route, and someone might get hurt."

"Zayn..." Liam sat up from the couch, looking at his boyfriend. He was pale, but as far as the disease goes, he wasn't in too bad of shape...not yet. "Let it go, okay? We all agreed to trust Louis, that his plan was good and I do not think that has changed. Come back here, come to me."

"Fine." Zayn released his clenched fists and walked back over to Liam, easing his boyfriend back down on the couch. "I just need you to be okay, I need my sisters to be okay..."

"They will be, I will be." Liam looked Zayn in the eyes. "Louis' right, okay? Violence is not the answer. We have to remain calm and patient. If we lose control we could slip up and someone could get hurt and enough people are hurt already, we don't need to add to that number. It's bad enough we've kidnapped an innocent boy, we don't need to hurt him physically as well."

"I'm scared," Zayn admitted. "I'm scared that I'm going to lose everyone who matters to me."

"We're all scared, everyone in this house is scared, especially the kid upstairs, because he doesn't know what's happening, but he will and then maybe he'll understand why-"

"He'll never understand," Zayn spat. "He's just a spoiled rich boy, he'll never know what it's like to know that the people you love are dying of something that could be cured, but not to have the money to cover the treatments."

"Shhh, baby, shh." Liam reached out, putting his hand on Zayn's cheek, glad that the disease wasn't contagious. "It's going to be okay. We'll get the money, we'll get the treatment, your sisters will be okay, I will be okay."

"How can you be like that?" Zayn asked, looking down at his sick boyfriend. "How can you be so brave when you know what this illness could do to you?"

"I have to believe that it's going to be okay," Liam said softly. "Because if I let go of my hope it's only going to be worse for me, besides, you have a hot head. You need me to be cool."

"I love you," Zayn whispered, leaning down to kiss Liam softly. Liam was right, he was hot-headed, and Liam was calm and logical, it was part of why they were so good together. Liam knew how to calm him down, how to bring him back down to earth when everything seemed awful. When his sister's had gotten sick, he had panicked, and then only two days later, Liam had been diagnosed and he thought his world would end. It was then that Louis had come up with this plan, the plan to kidnap Harry Styles and hope that his father cared enough about his son to pay for the treatments and to stop dumping the waste.

"I don't like this," Niall said, looking to Louis. "Zayn's not holding it together and it's only the first day."

"I know." Louis sighed. "This isn't a good situation, Niall, but don't worry. Liam will keep him in check and you and I can do most of the dealing with Harry. it's going to be okay. We just have to be strong and get through this, we just have to remain level-headed and get the money."

"I know." Niall sighed. "I'm just afraid that we're making a mistake here. I keep going over it in my mind, trying to see if there is anything else that we could have done and I'm coming up empty every time, but that doesn't change anything, that doesn't change the fact that this feels wrong."

"It feels wrong because it is wrong," Louis said again. "It's an evil, but it's the lesser of two. We just have to do our best to make him as comfortable as possible, to put him at ease and try to calm him down. Once he knows that we won't hurt him, he'll feel better, even if it's not much."

"You're good, Louis, I know that you wouldn't let anything bad happen to any of us, I just..."

"You're scared." Louis reached out, hugging Niall. "We all are. This isn't easy, in fact, this is probably the hardest thing any of us will ever do, but regardless, it's still easier than standing over graves with our siblings, parents and friends in them."

"You're right." Niall sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into the hug. "You're always right, just tell me what I can do to make this as painless as possible."

"You can help me make him dinner," Louis said softly. "And then dig up something for him to read so that he doesn't get too bored."

"Of course." Niall nodded, instantly getting to work in the kitchen. He had been apprehensive when Louis had suggested this plan, but then his older brother had taken a turn for the worse and he knew that he had no choice. The four of them were there because of their unquestionable loyalty to their families and friends, because no matter what consequences they suffered for breaking the law like this, they would not let their families die this way.

one direction, ziam, wilkenbyrn, larry, slash, fanfiction

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