Wilkenbyrn - Chapter 1 {One Direction, AU}

Apr 27, 2012 23:02

Title: Wilkenbyrn
Author: Havah24601
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: M (Just in case)
Pairing: Louis/Harry, Liam/Zayn
Warnings: AU, kidnapping, violence, illness
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, which is probably for the best. With the help of alifeofourown, the town of Wilkenbyrn and the disease of Ozaria's Syndrome were created. I repeat, they are MADE UP. Also, none of this is true.
Summary: Harry Styles, the son of corporate CEO Aldous Styles is kidnapped by a group of four boys intent on holding him for ransom. What Harry initially assumes is a malicious attack on his family soon turns into something more when he realizes that his father's company has been poisoning the impoverished town of Wilkenbyrn, causing the residents to become infected with Orazia's Syndrome.
Author's Note: This is sort of filling  this prompt over at the kink meme...but not really.
Previous Chapters: ll  Breakdown and Introduction ll

When Harry woke up, he was lying on a bed, completely alone in a room. He sat up, a feat which proved slightly difficult, as his hands were tied behind his back, but he managed after a few minutes. The room was dark - there was a light switch on the wall, but it wasn't turned on and Harry didn't feel the need to bother. The window's had been boarded up, though a small glimmer of sunlight alerted Harry to the fact that it was daytime, though he had no idea what day or where it was. Aside from the bed, the room was practically empty, and the bed was really more of a mattress and a frame. There were no pillows and no blankets.

He shivered as fear overtook him. The last thing that the 18 year old remembered was walking home from school. He had been about halfway when he had been grabbed off of the street...and everything after that was fuzzy. What the hell was happening to him? Who would do this to him? Harry had gone out of his way to be nice to people, to be the sort of person that was liked, not the sort that people had grudges against. It did not occur to him that this might be about something bigger.

"Help!" Harry shouted, hoping that perhaps there was someone in a house nearby who would hear his screams. "Someone, help me!" As he screamed, he struggled to free his wrists from the tie that bound them, but as his struggles grew more frantic, he only felt the knots grow tighter. "Please, someone, help!" He shouted again and again, though he was almost certain it was no good, though he stopped abruptly as he heard a key turn in the door.

"Screaming isn't going to do you any good." Louis, still a stranger to Harry. entered, wearing a mask and instantly shutting the door behind him. A quick once over, paired with the voice of the stranger alerted Harry to the fact that this stranger was, in fact, a man, but he sounded young.

"Who...who are you?" Harry backed up on the bed, pressing himself against the wall as the stranger approached him. He had seen enough TV shows and movies to know that being kidnapped was never a good thing, that most times, if people didn't have any trouble morally kidnapping someone, they also didn't have much trouble hurting them.

"That is none of your concern," Louis stated, walking closer to the bed. "What is of your concern right now is staying quiet. There is no one around for quite aways, so screaming like that is only going to make your throat raw and irritate us, and trust me, the less you irritate us, the better."

"What do you want from me?" Harry asked.

"It's not what we want from you, it's what we can use you to get," Louis explained. "You'll understand in time, for now, I've come to explain the rules of your stay with us."

"The rules?" Harry gulped. None of this sounded good, but the fact that he was still alive and practically unharmed was something that he could hold on to, at least for the time being.

"Yes." Louis nodded. "First, and probably most important is that if you behave, no harm will come to you." Louis leaned up against the wall next to the bed. He wasn't comfortable getting close enough to their captive to be kicked, even though he had the advantage of being unrestrained. "If you do as we say, we won't hurt you in any way, and if your father does as we ask, you will go home unharmed in any way."

"How can I trust that?" Harry asked. Harry was not stupid, he was far from it, in fact, and he didn't want to fall prey to false beliefs and promises. "How do I know that you won't get what you want and then shoot me in the head?"

"Because," Louis stated. "If we planned on killing you, we wouldn't bother with the masks."

"That could be an attempt to lull me into a false sense of security, to keep me here, to keep me from trying to escape."

"There are other ways to keep you from escaping," Louis stated. "Trust me, there are plenty of other ways we could handle this. We're using masks, blindfolds and code names so that you won't know who we are so that when we let you go, can't report us."

"Code names?" Harry raised his eyebrow, looking at the boy. "So what do I call you?"

"You can call me Alpha," Louis stated.

"Alpha?" Harry snorted, despite his fear. "That's original, what are the others? Beta? Kappa?"

"Delta, Omega and Zeta," Louis responded evenly. "Now shut up, we're not done with the rules yet." He wasn't going to be downright cruel to Harry, at least not right now, but he did know that establishing control was important.

"Fine." Harry gulped, nodding. He didn't want to piss this Alpha guy off, that sounded, well, dangerous to him.

"Moving on - you will get three square meals a day, we're not here to starve you, so please tell me right now if you have any allergies."

"None," Harry replied softly.

"Good. You will also be allowed to use the bathroom, of course as frequently as you needed, just call out for one of us when you need to go and someone will take you."

"What about showers?" Harry asked.

"Once a day. We are not trying to be inhumane here," he stated. "Just get our way."

"Right." Harry scoffed, looking down at the ground. "You're fine kidnapping someone, that's not inhumane?" he asked, looking up, trying to make eye contact with his captor. Louis looked away, however, keeping Harry from doing so.

"Look, we're doing what we have to do, alright?" Louis snapped. "We're trying to treat you well and if you behave, that will happen. If you misbehave, well I can't say how this will go down, but it won't be as effortless. The one thing that I can promise you is life. You don't have to be afraid for that, we're not going to kill you."

"Right," Harry stated, wholly unconvinced. Even kidnappers who had no intention of murdering their victims sometimes came across roadblocks where they had no choice. He had seen Alpha Dog, he knew the consequences of being a victim, no matter how well you were being treated.

"You will be brought blankets and a pillow as well as a water bottle so that you don't need to depend on us completely, and-"

"What about entertainment?" Harry asked, once again trying to sound brave. "If I'm going to be locked up here, I should at least have something to read."

"That will depend on your behavior," Louis stated instantly, trying to compensate for the fact that this was one aspect none of them had considered. This whole thing had been perfectly planned out, they had rented a house in the middle of nowhere, purchased a van on the black market, stocked up on food, rope, cloth, everything they might need to handle a kidnapping, but they had not contemplated any kind of entertainment for their prisoner.

"Alright." Harry nodded. "Anything else?" he asked.

"Yes." Louis nodded. "We make the rules and we are in charge. If you need something, you ask for it, you do not demand it."


"Lay low, someone will bring you dinner and bedding soon." Louis started towards the door. "Any last questions?" he asked.

"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked.

"In good time, Harry," Louis stated, opening the door. "In good time." He left the room, locking the door behind him and leaving Harry behind.

The boy curled up on the bed, wishing that he could wrap his arms around himself. He was terrified, afraid that he would die here, that something would go wrong and he would be screwed. He didn't understand why he was here or why any of this was happening, and he didn't understand why someone so young would do this. Sure, he couldn't be totally sure about the boy's age, but Alpha didn't sound much older than him, and the few features that Harry could see through the ski mask seemed, well, youthful. He didn't know what to do or how long he would be here, he just knew that he had to remain strong so that he could get through this and, hopefully at the end of it all, go home in one piece just like Alpha had promised him.

one direction, ziam, wilkenbyrn, larry, slash, fanfiction

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