A Kiss a Week {One Direction - Ziam and Larry}

Apr 23, 2012 15:06

Title: A Kiss a Week
Author: Havah24601
Rating: K
Pairing: Liam/Zayn and Harry/Louis
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys and the title comes from a song by Big D & the Kids Table of the same name.
Summary: The four times Liam kisses someone and it means nothing...and the one time it did.
Author's Note: Filling this prompt over at the kink meme!

The important thing to know about Liam right off is that he is NOT a slut. He has never been a slut and he doesn’t ever plan to be. That being said, he doesn’t always show affection for people the way everyone else does, and sometimes, that makes people think that he doesn’t have the straightest of moral compasses. He doesn’t like to show love by just saying it, words are so easy to drown out. Liam does not like to do things half assed, so he sometimes punctuates his words of love with a gesture to go along with them.

When Danielle breaks up with Liam, it’s amiable. They will be friends for a long, long time, but the constant separation and distance has worn their relationship thin, and honestly, there isn’t much left between them anymore. Liam still loves her and she still loves him, but the kind of love has shifted greatly, and he’s not IN love with her anymore…just the way that she’s not in love with him. When they kiss goodbye, Liam tells her that he loves her, and he means it, of course, but the kiss sends no shivers down his spine. He feels none of the romantic blaze that he felt when they first kissed. Their time together has been amazing, and he is glad that he will have her as a friend forever, but he knows that their relationship is through, that there will be no getting back together for them.

What Liam does not know is that Zayn watches the goodbye kiss, shaking his head slightly. Even though Zayn knows that it’s over for them, he can’t help but feel a twinge of something unexpected, something he instantly tries to suppress because this is Liam, and the fact that he is kissing Danielle goodbye just goes to show that he is into girls.

About three weeks later, the boys are heading back to their flats, and Harry and Louis are both drunk. Very, very drunk, so drunk, in fact, that Zayn and Liam have to help them home. Niall went straight to bed, feeling a bit ill, though more tired than anything, and Zayn holds up Louis while Liam helps Harry into their flat. While Liam is trying to get Harry into his bed, the younger boy looks up at him with very, very drunk green eyes and smiles. He thanks Liam for practically carrying him home, and he even hums a few bars of the Fun. Song We Are Young to punctuate his gratitude. When Liam leans down to tuck him in, Harry leans up and kisses him - it’s nothing big, just a slight peck on the lips, a thank you for bringing him home safely, and as they say goodnight, they both know it means nothing.

“He in bed?” Zayn stands in the door, feeling heat rising on his neck, jealous that Harry was the one who got to kiss Liam, even if it was just a tentative peck on the lips, nothing more than a gesture between too friends. Liam loves Harry, but just like he’s not in love with Danielle, he’s not in love with Harry…and Zayn knows that, but he’s still a touch jealous.

It’s months before anything like that happens again. Niall comes back to the bus after a date looking dejected and forlorn. Liam, the only other boy away, gestures for him to sit on the couch and begs him to explain. Niall says that the date didn’t go well, that it went worse than not well, but that he hadn’t any clue as to why. The girl wasn’t into him, at least not the way he had hoped and after he had kissed her goodnight she had actually asked him not to call her. Niall was used to rejection, he had dealt with it a lot when it was younger, but that doesn’t make it any easier, and he verbally wondered if it was because he was a bad kisser. Liam volunteers to check for him, and the two make out on the sofa for almost five minutes. Liam pulls away, smiling at Niall, informing that he is not a bad kisser, and that there must have been something wrong with the girl. Niall goes to bed feeling better about himself, because he knows that Liam will never lie to him.

Zayn sees this from the entryway, as he gets a a glass of water. He watches Niall go back to the bunk and Liam back to his book and he knows that the two aren’t in love. They are both acting far too casual for this to have been the real deal, and while he’s relieved, he wishes that he had the courage to ask Liam to test his kissing abilities, because he thinks that would be the easiest way to find out what the other boy’s lips taste like…but now that Niall’s done it, he knows that he cannot, and goes back to bed feeling low.

Louis pounds on Liam’s flat door several weeks later looking distressed, and when Liam opens, he immediately explains that he wants to make Harry jealous. The two have been tiptoeing around each other for months now, and nothing that Louis does or says manages to get Harry’s attention. He explains that Niall told him about the kissing and he wonders if Liam would be kind enough to do the same for him, to just come over to the flat and make out with him so that when Harry comes home, that’s what he finds. Liam has always had a soft spot for Louis and Harry and an even bigger one for Larry, so he agrees, grabbing his keys and following Louis home. They put a movie on and wait until they hear Harry’s key turning in the door before they start to kiss. It works, and Harry practically throws Liam from the apartment in a jealous rage before tackling Louis himself.

When the boys explain how they got together the next day, Zayn hangs his head, wondering how it’s possible that Liam has managed to kiss everyone in the band except for him, everyone except for the one boy who actually cares for him and loves him so deeply. He wants Liam’s lips on his so desperately, and he doesn’t know how to ask for it. Niall, Louis and Harry were able to get it so easily because they didn’t need it, not the way that Zayn does.

“Something up?” Liam tilts his head, looking across the table at Zayn.

“No, nothing.” Zayn lies and puts on a fake smile, but Liam is the father of the band, he can tell when one of his boys is upset and while he knows something’s wrong, he lets it go until later when they’re home.

Liam goes to Zayn’s flat, knocking on the door, hoping to pull an explanation from the boy, though he knows that Zayn likes to be secretive. When Zayn opens the door and sees Liam standing there, looking concerned, he thinks to himself that this is his chance. He doesn’t wait to find out what Liam wants, he just leans in, curls his hand around the back of Liam’s neck and pulls him in for a slow, soft kiss.

After only a second, Zayn pulls away, looking at Liam with worry, waiting for the backlash. He immediately thinks that he shouldn’t have done this, that going for it with such gusto and absolutely no pretense was a mistake, but all of that is washed away when Liam leans in, taking a second kiss for himself.

This isn’t like with Danielle, with Harry, Louis or Niall. This isn’t like every other time that Liam has kissed someone, because this time, he feels something he really, genuinely feels the spark that people talk about in movies and on television, and as the stumble towards the couch, kissing hungrily and grabbing at each other desperately, Zayn knows that he doesn’t have to be jealous anymore.

ziam, larry, slash, oneshot, fanfiction

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