4/20 {One Direction - Larry/Niam}

Apr 23, 2012 14:26

Title: 4/20
Author: Havah24601
Rating: T
Pairing: Harry/Louis, Liam/Niall, slight Niall/Zayn 
Genre: Slash, stoner!fic
Warnings: Drug use, mentions of sex.
Disclaimer: I don't not own these boys.
Summary: It's 4/20 and the boys decide to get Niall high for the first time. :)
Author's Note: Filling this prompt over at the kink meme.

“Shove this under the door.” Louis grinned as he handed Harry a towel. Harry wadded up the cloth and shoved it under the door, making sure that it was locked.
            “Great, perfect.” Zayn sat down on the floor and pulled a large bag of weed, some rolling papers and a bong from his backpack.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Niall looked around at the other four boys. It was 4/20, something that it seemed all of the rest of the boys had indulged in…and more than once, but Niall had never once smoked pot, hell, he had never even seen the stuff before.

“Relax, Niall.” Liam smiled, pulling Niall down next to him on the floor. “I brought snacks for when you get the munchies, and it’s not like anyone’s going to catch us. The hotel room door is locked AND the bathroom door. We’ll be fine.”

“Okay.” Niall took a deep breath. It had been Louis’ idea for them to celebrate by cramming themselves into the hotel bathroom and hot boxing the hell out of that place in celebration.

“Relax, Irish!” Harry teased, grabbing some of the rolling papers and starting to roll a fat joint while Zayn filled and packed the bong.

“I don’t know how, though,” Niall muttered, eyeing the joint that Harry handed him.

“It’s like smoking a cigarette, babe,” Liam stated, finishing rolling his own and picking up a lighter. It’s not hard, see?” He lit his own and took a long hit, breathing out the smoke and effectively starting the fun.

It wasn’t long until the room was filled with smoke from both the joints that Harry, Liam and Niall were smoking and the bong that Louis and Zayn were passing back and forth. It wasn’t the first time that most of the boys had done this, but it was the first time that they had all gotten high together, and that made it special and different, because no two people were the same when high.

They discovered quickly that Harry is an introspective stoner. The second the drug started to take him over, he withdrew, sitting up against the tub, taking hits from the joint and saying very little…but the things that he did say were poetic and brilliant. He talked about philosophy, something that none of the boys had ever heard him mention, and it was interesting to hear him utter a real, academic thought every now and then. Louis hung off of his every word, but that surprised no one, after all, they had something between them that none of the other boys really knew the extent of.

It wasn’t long after that when they realized that Zayn was a paranoid stoner, or at least he was this time. His eyes darted around all over the place, every time he saw a shadow, he was certain that something was coming for him, and that made the other boys laugh. It made them want to sneak up on him just to see him scream. It wasn’t that they were being mean, just that they wanted to have a little fun with someone who was usually very calm and collected. It was nice to see this side of Zayn, the side that was looking over his shoulder every few seconds just to make sure there were no ghosts.

Surprising no one, Niall was hungry when stoned. As soon as he stopped coughing and drinking water, he made a dive for the snack cakes and the bag of chips that Liam had brought. He shoved them in his mouth, closing his eyes and groaning. The food tasted so good, and while food always tasted good to him, he wasn’t sure that he could ever remember a time that a snack cake had ever tasted so good. He loved this, the way he felt, and the other boys were glad that he was having a good time…after all, none of them had thought that Niall could enjoy food more than he had in the past.

Stoned Liam was giggly when he was high. Every little thing that one of the other boys did was funny to him, including the “foodgasm” that Niall had when he dug into the treats supplied. He giggled when Harry tried to discuss Plato with them, no one else really understanding what he was on about. He giggled when Zayn screamed, insisting that he had seen the shadow of a ghost behind him, and he giggled when Louis sank down against the tub next to Harry, looking at the other boy. To Liam, everything was beautiful…and everything was funny.

Louis was touchy feely when stoned, and he instantly went for Harry. He put his arm around the younger boy, leaning against him, blowing some of his leftover smoke into the other boy’s mouth. He didn’t stop there, either. While Harry sat there, trying to be introspective, smoke swirling around the whole bathroom as the boys continued to get higher and higher, he nuzzled his face into the boy’s back, licking up his jawline and trying to pull his attention away from the philosophers that seemed to have Harry’s attention at the moment. He put his hand on the boy’s stomach, pushing gently to get Harry’s focus on him.

It was Louis’ constant persisting of Harry that finally dissolved what had been a group bonding experience into something else. Louis leaned up, pressing his lips against Harry’s in a last ditch effort to get his attention, and Harry, who would normally have questioned the gesture, allowed himself to be sucked into a series of slow, lazy kisses with the other boy. They had done this before, but only once while really, really drunk, but this was difference. This was easy, there was no talking about it or awkward discussions of how far they should take this, they simply melted into each other, pushed up against the bathtub. Harry didn’t care that the ceramic tub was digging into his back, and Louis didn’t care that his back was twisted at an awkward angle to get what he wanted.

“Wow…” Niall dropped a chip on the floor as he watched Louis stand up and crawl into the bathtub, pulling Harry in on top of him. The younger didn’t mind, he just settled on top of Louis and continued the kiss. “They’re really…detached.”

“It’s sweet.” Liam smiled.

“You know what?” Zayn took a sip of some water and another hit from the bong. “You two should kiss.”

“What?” Liam giggled, wrinkling his nose.

“You and Niall, go on, kiss,” Zayn stated, waving his hands around, seemingly more interested in the two boys who weren’t making out than the two who were.

“Um…” Niall bit his lip, looking at Liam, who leaned in, erupting into a fit of giggles before he was able to get anywhere with the kiss.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just…I can’t. It’s Niall!” Liam laughed, flopping up against the wall.

“Alright.” Zayn nodded, crawling across the bathroom and over towards Niall. “If you won’t do it, I will.” He put his hand on Niall’s cheek and pulled the boy into a slow kiss. It started off chaste and simple, but soon, Niall was in Zayn’s lap, his lips working hungrily at those of the other boy’s, and Liam sobered up a little, realizing that he was the only person in the corner laughing, everyone else was having fun.

“Hey!” Liam frowned. “No fair!”

“Go on.” Zayn pulled away from Niall, gently shoving him towards Liam. “It’s okay, kiss him. It’ll be hot.”

“Okay.” Niall nodded and flopped from Zayn’s lap and moved over to Liam. “Kiss me,” he stated to the brunette, who had stopped giggling and was now staring into Niall’s eyes.

Liam didn’t respond, he simply leaned in, kissing Niall. He had thought about this before, so many times, but he had never voiced that. Niall was everything that he had ever wanted, and having the chance to kiss him with no strings attached wasn’t bad at all.

“Wow…” Zayn smiled, taking his phone and filming as the two boys got really into it. He heard a moan from the bathtub and a few seconds later, Harry’s white shirt followed by Louis’ striped one were thrown from the tub. A hand came up and pulled the shower curtain closed, leaving the other boy’s little to guess about what was going to happen.

“Harry and Louis are going to have sex,” Niall whispered, pulling away from Liam. “Do you think maybe we should get out of here?”

“No.” Zayn shook his head, relishing the idea of two of his friends fucking right next to him, but liking even more the prospect that Liam and Niall might fall into the same thing.

Marijuana wasn’t alcohol, it didn’t impair your judgment in the same way and it wasn’t going to give these boys false feelings for each other. The sex that Louis and Harry were going to have was because they both wanted to have sex and Liam and Niall were making out because, well, they wanted to and the drug was helping them cross that bridge.

“Are you sure?” Liam asked, looking up at Zayn.

“I’m sure.” Zayn smiled, still filming the boys, though they didn’t seem to notice. Zayn wasn’t a bad guy, he may be a little manipulative and do what it took to get what he wanted, but he wasn’t going to release a Niam sex tape to the world, especially not one with Harry and Louis moaning in the background. He wasn’t cruel, he just wanted it for himself.

“Okay then.” Niall went back to Liam, kissing him passionately while Zayn filmed.

It wasn’t long before pants flew out from the tub, followed by underwear, and the moaning filled the room, but Zayn was the only one who noticed. Liam and Niall had fall into the corner, cuddled up against each other, completely attached at the lips. The kisses were not fast and hungry, however, just simple, slow and caring as though they had all of the time in the world. Hands were not grabbing at each other, but merely resting gently on each other’s shoulders or cheeks. There was nothing hurried about what they were doing, nothing rushed, and it was perfect.

Zayn smiled, listening to Harry and Louis make love for the first time and watching Liam and Niall realize just how much they wanted each other. Harry needed Louis and vice versa, Liam needed Niall and vice versa, but Zayn? He didn’t need any one of them because he had all of them.

one direction, niam, larry, ziall, slash, oneshot

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