Pain for Pleasure {All Time Low}

Jul 31, 2010 20:39


            Zack sighed as he walked into the front lounge of the tour bus, flopping down on the couch. He didn’t want to draw much attention to himself, especially because his pain was entirely his fault, but he couldn’t help that he was still in pain. He didn’t feel well - his body was aching, his muscles feeling as though they were on fire, and it all could have been prevented if he were slightly less insistent on doing his full workout routine every day. He knew that, the second he woke up feeling ill, he should have decided not to do his workout, but he had gone full throttle anyways, and now he was paying the price.

“Hey, Zack Attack!” A few minutes into Zack’s self pitying rest, Jack bounced onto the bus. “Why aren’t you out partying hard like the rest of us? We officially start the tour tomorrow and you’re just sitting here like a dust bunny with an attitude!”

“I’m not feeling too well,” Zack explained. “Tired…are you drunk?”

“Nah.” Jack shook his head. “I took a few hits from someone’s bong, I should be fine soon enough, but it’s no fun partying without Zack Attack! Come on…join us for one drink?” He tilted his head to the side. “Please?”

“Can’t…” Zack sighed. He didn’t want to admit to Jack that he couldn’t really move, but that was the truth and he figured that they would all find out about it and make fun of him for it sooner or later, so he might as well start off slow, with just Jack. “I uh…may have over did it with the working out this morning and now I’m just…really sore.”

“Oh.” Jack frowned as he looked at Zack. “Like…how sore?”

“Sore enough to wish I had just stayed in bed all day.”

“Oh Zacky…” he sighed, moving to sit behind Zack on the couch. “Why you so sore?”

“Why are you talking like a child?” Zack shot back, not really in the best mood.

“Hey…chill.” Jack sighed, placing his hands on Zack’s shoulders, beginning to massage them.

“Ohh…” Zack let out a deep breath as he closed his eyes, tilting his head back. “Damn…”

“What?” Jack asked, eyes widening as he pulled his hands away from Zack’s shoulders. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No, no, absolutely not.” Zack shook his head. “That felt amazing.”

“Oh.” Jack smiled. “Well then.” He put his hands back on Zack’s shoulders, continuing to massage him gently. “Abra kadabra, sore muscles skedaddle…bra.”

“Did you just make up a rhyme about my muscles?” Zack asked, tilting his head all the way back and opening his eyes so that he was looking up at Jack.

“More like a spell to help them get better,” Jack stated. “But yes.”

“Mmm…” Zack smiled slightly, still looking up at Jack. “You’re sweet.”

“I know.” Jack shrugged, continuing to rub Zack’s shoulders softly. “And you’re really sexy when you’re vulnerable…”

“Which is almost never,” Zack stated instantly. “So take advantage.”

“I guess I will!” Jack leaned down, kissing Zack at an upside down angle.

“Wow…” Zack bit his lip as he pulled away. “That was one hell of a first kiss.”

“That was so cool! I’ve always wanted to do that!”

“What?” Zack looked taken aback. “Kiss me?”

“No! Kiss spider man style!”

“Oh.” Zack bit his lip.

“But I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time,” Jack said in a sing song voice.

“And now that you have?”

“I wanna do it again.” Jack smiled, sliding off the back of the couch so that he was sitting down next to Zack. He leaned in, kissing the bassist again. This time the kiss was longer, more involved, and Jack only pulled away when Zack winced.

“No, don’t stop,” Zack breathed.

“Well…what about your sore muscles?” Jack asked innocently.

“They can wait.” Zack put his arms around Jack, pulling him back into the kiss. “I’m sure they’ll still be there tomorrow.”

“I’ll still be here tomorrow,” Jack reminded him.

“Yeah, but we’re alone tonight.”

hurt/comfort bingo, bingo, slash, oneshot, fanfiction

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