Been Burned {Cobra Starship}

Jul 31, 2010 20:13


            “SHIT!” Alex screamed out as oil from the pan he was cooking with splashed out, burning his hand. He dropped the plate with a loud clatter, instantly grabbing a paper towel to wipe away the scalding hot liquid.

“What happened?” Nate came running into the room, eyes wide with concern and fear. He instantly moved to his boyfriend, who was doubled over in pain. “Alex, babe, are you alright?”

“I spilled oil on my hand.” Alex winced through clenched teeth as he looked up at Nate. “Burned me - hurts like a motherfucker!”

“Oh god…” Nate gave Alex a sympathetic pat on the back as he moved towards the pantry, taking out a small bottle of vanilla.

“Hurts,” Alex whimpered, sitting down on the floor, leaning his back up against the counter as he clutched his hand in anguish.

“I know, baby, it’s okay.” Nate grabbed a fresh paper towel and closed it with the vanilla before moving to sit on the floor by Alex.

“I know, but it still hurts…” Alex sighed. Normally he wasn’t like this - it was usually Nate who would get hurt and need Alex to care for him - not the other way around like it was now.

“I’m going to help you,” Nate said softly. “Can I see it?” he asked.

“I guess.” Alex held his hand out for Nate to look at.

“Ouch…” Nate gently kissed the top of Alex’s hand before wrapping the vanilla soaked paper towel around the man’s hand to soothe the burn. “I know it’s not an instant cure, but that should help some.”

“It’s already helping a bit,” Alex admitting, smiling up at Nate softly. “Still hurts, of course, but you know, thanks for acting so quickly.

“Hey, you always jump into action if I slice my hand open or walk into a glass door, it’s high time that I was able to be there for you.” Nate smiled, sliding his arm around Alex’s shoulders.

“True.” Alex placed a soft kiss to Nate’s cheek before resting his head on the young man’s shoulder. “Still, thank you for being here, it means a lot to me.”

“Alex, baby, I love you,” Nate said softly. “I’m always going to be here for you, and while I hope that it never happens again, if you are ever hurt or in pain, I will be the one taking care of you, nothing could stop me.”

“You’re sweet.” Alex nuzzled his nose against Nate’s neck.

“Lex, I’m being serious,” Nate stated, his tone firm.

“I know.” Alex placed a soft kiss to Nate’s neck. “That’s why it’s so sweet, because I know you mean every last word that you just said.”

“God, I love you.” Nate sighed, leaning harder against the counter, holding Alex close to him.

“I love you too.” Alex smiled, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend softly. They had a strong, deep connection, and they both valued that more than anything else in their lives.

“Are you going to be alright?” Nate asked, looking down at the burn on Alex’s hand.

“Yeah - just like you said, I’ll be fine. I’ve got you.” He smiled as he leaned in, claiming another soft kiss from Nate. “I’m sorry I wrecked dinner.”

“You’re worried about that?” Nate couldn’t but laugh as he looked down at the fallen veggie stir fry on the linoleum floor. “Alex, I don’t care about dinner - you got hurt, that’s what’s on my mind right now.”

“Of course it is.” Alex shook his head, laughing softly. “You always put me first.”

“You’re my boy, I love you.” Nate kissed Alex’s forehead. “And besides, you always put me first, so it’s only fair that I do the same for you.”

“God, we really are perfect together, aren’t we?” Alex asked.

“Yeah.” Nate nodded. “We are.”

hurt/comfort bingo, nalex, bingo, slash, oneshot, fanfiction

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