Protection Detail - Chapter 10

Feb 12, 2010 13:03

Title: Protection Detail
Chapter: 10/?
Rating: M
Pairing: Alex Suarez/Nate Novarro, Gabe Saporta/William Beckett
Summary: Alex Suarez is a young lawyer who stumbles across sinister information concerning the law firm where he is employed. Afraid of what the information means, Alex takes the information to the CIA, not realizing who jeopardizing this action could be to his life. Nate Novarro, a young agent hardened by being forced to grow up too fast, is assigned to protect Alex, expecting nothing more than his usual unfriendly, panicked charge. However, in Alex, Nate finds something he never expected.
Disclaimer: Fictional! Inspired by John Grisham!
Warnings: I know very little about law, so yeah...I'm just doing the best that I can. Bear with me?
Author's Note: I really wanted to bring Christian in again, I hope that this chapter, slow as it is, does not disappoint! Yes, we get to learn more about Nate in the next chapter! YAY!

            Over the course of the day and evening, they watched a little TV, relaxed as much as they could, and Alex did a little work on his court case. Around 10:00, Alex’s brother called him and he went into the bathroom to take the call.

“Hey, Chris.”

“Hey, I’m sorry that everyone like, freaked out the other day over me, I wasn’t really paying attention, I just assumed you were home and shit.”

“Yeah, I know, it’s alright.” Alex sighed. “You just scared mom enough for her to call the police. That’s bound to happen at least once during your adolescence, just try not to let it happen again?”

“Yeah, I won’t.” He bit his lip. “She found out about Jamie.”

“She did?” Alex’s eyes widened.

“I had to tell her! Once she knew I wasn’t with you, she demanded to know where I really had been and, to avoid her drug testing me and shit, I had to tell her about Jamie. You really should come out, it’s not that bad - she told me to invite him over for dinner and then when he left, she gave me the sex talk, but told me she thought he was a lovely human being, and if he made me happy, then she was happy.”

“She said that?” Alex let out a low whistle. “Wow - then again, she’s right about Jamie, he’s a sweetheart.”

“You don’t need to tell me that.” Alex could tell that Christian was smiling on the other end of the conversation and he rolled his eyes.

“You’re pathetic, did you know that?”

“Yeah, but we’re fucking sweet as anything, aren’t we?” Christian teased. “I know you think so, everybody does.”

“Whatever.” Alex laughed. “But I think I’m gonna stay where I am a bit longer, you know, in the closet.” He sighed. “I don’t know how mom would handle knowing she managed to raise two gay sons…besides, I don’t have someone like Jamie to show off.”

“Yeah, that’s true - no one has someone like Jamie.” Christian’s voice softened as he said that, and he paused before he continued speaking. “But do you have anyone? I mean you’ve been practically single since Jacob.”

“Yeah, I know.” Alex sighed. “I keep falling for the wrong guys, the ones that I can never have a future with.”

“Oh yeah?” Christian sounded more than a little intrigued and Alex knew that he was in for a long explanation. “So who are you crushing on now?”

“I’m not sure it’s a crush, really,” Alex said softly. “But I met this guy here, in New York, and he’s younger, but not by too much, and he’s just…he’s really fucked up, so I don’t think I could handle him, even if he was interested, which he’s not, because he’s probably straight and he’s emotionally inaccessible.”

“God, you do fall for the worst guys.” Christian let out a humorless laugh. “I wish I had advice for you, I mean you know how it is for me.”

“Yeah.” Alex nodded. “You meet this cute guy on the bus on your way downtown, you exchange smiles across the bus, when he gets off, he drops his number into your lap, you call it because you’re feeling whimsical for the first time in your life, and then two weeks later, you’ve got a boyfriend…two years later, you’re in a loving, committed relationship at only 16 and your big brother is left falling for the stony-faced, broken kids of the world.”

“Yeah. I’m really sorry, Lex.” Christian sounded genuinely apologetic as he paused, thinking of a response. “But the little advice I can give you about this guy? Just be nice to him. Become his friend, because if he’s as broken as you say he is, that might be all he needs to open up a little bit.”

“Okay.” Alex raked his fingers through his hair. “I’ll give that a shot, but I’m not going to ask him out. I don’t think either of us need that kind of awkwardness in our lives.”

“So don’t make it about trying to get in his pants, make it about being friends and maybe, one day, you’ll end up together, and maybe you’ll just come away from this being friends, but whatever it is, having you in his life should make it better, you’re a great guy, Lex, a fantastic brother and even better listener.”

“Thanks, Chris.”

“I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true, but I actually have to get out of here, Jamie’s honking like a madman, it’s date night, he’s taking me to the movies.”

“Go be cute.” Alex rolled his eyes. “Be safe.”

“Yeah, I already got that once from mom this week, I don’t need it from you too. Talk to you later, loser.” With that, Christian hung up and Alex let out a deep sigh, recomposing himself before heading back into the hotel room. Nate was laying across the bed, looking over the notes on the case, and Alex bit his lip as he sat down on his own bed.

“So, that was Christian,” he began slowly.

“Yeah?” Nate looked up, closing the case file. “He doing okay?”

“Great, great.” Alex nodded. “He just wanted to check up, we talk a lot.”

“That’s cool.”

“Do you have anyone like that? I mean just anyone to talk to?”

“No.” Nate shook his head.

“I think that you should talk to me,” Alex said quickly. “I think that you should just…I mean, I think I could help you, be your friend, and I think that, right now, you and I could both really use a friend.”

“Maybe.” Nate sighed. “I just…I’m not great at talking to people about anything that’s not work.”

“Would it help you if I went first?” Alex asked.

“Maybe,” Nate said again.

“Okay.” Alex nodded. “Well let’s see, my father left the family when I was young, and I was the oldest, so I started taking care of Christian whenever my mother wasn’t home. When I went off to college just a few years later, I was lucky to get into a school close to home, and I drove back every weekend to be with him, no matter how much work I had, and I managed to get through law school and college without spending a single weekend away from him. He still spends a ton of time at my house because he feels closer to me than anyone else he knows, aside from his boyfriend, because I helped him get through things when he learned that he was gay.”

“That’s good?” Nate wasn’t really sure what he was supposed to say. “I’m sorry that your dad left, but it seems like you had a good handle on how to take care of things.”

“Are you kidding me?” Alex laughed. “I had no idea! I just got lucky.”

“Well then Christian’s lucky to have you.” Nate said softly. “If I’d had a brother like you, things might have been different for me.”

“I’m sorry.” Alex bit his lip. “It’s your turn, you know.”

“I’m not sure where to start,” Nate admitted.

“Start at the beginning.”

gabilliam, nalex, protection detail, slash, fanfiction

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