On The Road - Part 3

Apr 17, 2011 08:01

Title: On The Road - Part 3
Pairing: Noel/Rich, Noel/Julian
Rating: maybe a bit more PG-13, eh.
Word Count: 1,268~
Summary: Ummm, can’t think of a summary but if you’ve read the other 2 parts you should be right.
Warnings: Angst.
Disclaimer: I do not own Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding, Rich Fulcher or anyone else mentioned in this fic or The Mighty Boosh.
A/N: This is final part to the 3 part mini story I was doing. Yeah this chapter is like 1,000 words shorter than the others but I like how it turned out. I could have taken longer to finish this but I am leaving on holiday for a week and I didn’t wanna leave you hanging (this is assuming people read this) and then on to read some shitty chapter. So I leave you with this. Let’s hope you think it’s okay…

Part 1 )

Part 2 )

On The Road - Part 3
Seeing Julian walk - no run - away like that was possibly one of the worst things he had ever done and to think it was his own fault that Julian had done so added to Noel's guilt and sorrow. The sun beat down on the back of his raven covered scalp and it burned, but it had become a regular feeling as the, now two, hours passed. He'd stop crying long ago, it had only lasted what? Maybe half an hour? He never cried for long. Never had the energy or strength to and he didn't really see the point, it's not like it was going to change or fix anything. What's done is done.

Just this time maybe he had done too much.

Being on tour, away from a stable home, always did this to him. He missed what he had and yet still wanted what he didn't. Too often had he and Julian done this, it was beginning to feel like a rehearsal for some massive production that would end it all; end them. Noel didn't mean to be like this, he wished he knew how to stop and now Rich had been pulled into it and God knows what he thinks of it all. What did he think? What did his brother and Dave think?

He knew what Julian thought. He thought he was a selfish brat that always got what he wanted and now he was punishing him for it in the worst way possible: not giving him what he wanted. Even to him it sounded selfish and stubborn but it was the way he was. The way he had always been, Julian knew that too. It was sometimes frightening to think about just how much Julian knew about him and vice versa. They were like one person but also two completely different halves at the same time. They seemed to be halves at the moment regardless of how much they both wanted it to be otherwise.

He absently played with a small stone on the hot gravel surface, drawing obscene patterns into the dirt. His art always made him feel at ease, even if it was just a scribble in the dirt. He hadn't been able to do much of it on tour, hadn't had the time nor the equipment; just a sketch pad and some pencils that he always carried with himself.

Sometimes he wondered why everyone always did as Julian said, he knew that was why no one had come out; Julian had told them not to or they just knew that Julian didn't want them to. He may appear a very private soul but once you knew him you could practically read his every move and its matching intention. Regardless of how cruelly Julian sometimes treated him, Noel couldn't help but still feel affection for the man.

But it's more than affection isn't it?

Affection didn't cover it; he didn't just have feelings for the other man, he wasn't just fond of him or carried emotion for him. He loved him, to put it plainly. He downright loved him, more than anything else in the world and the sad thing was that Julian knew this and may have used it to his advantage every once in a while. Even though he too felt the same way in return.

He was not left unrequited.

But it was more than that and if only he knew how to explain it to himself then maybe he could explain it to Julian. They had never spoken about their situation but had just accepted it for what it was and gone with it, never said just how much they both needed the other even though it was already known. He longed to hear the sincerity drip from Julian's words as he would tell him just how much he cared for him and just how he would do so, to hear him speak gentle confessions in private moments that were just theirs and no one else's then maybe, just maybe, he could say the same thing back.

Noel lifted his head to squint at the hot midday sun, half smiling at its brutality, letting its rays beat down on his pale skin and cast a shadow from his chin onto his neck. The honesty the sun held, the openness it shared with the world was something Noel knew he could never do even though he too was as bright as its rays. Unable to handle the light any longer he dropped his head back down to his knees, resting his forehead upon them and swaying it slowly. He heard the metal click but did not look in its direction, a blur of colour swung its way into his peripheries and a dark figure followed from behind and he heard the crunching of gravel beneath its unknown weight. The sun felt less hot as the unwelcome shadow was laid upon him from the towering figure but then returned at they moved beside him and slid down the side of the bus like he had done those few hours ago. Noel's body tilted and a pressure was put on his outer arm and he let himself be pulled into a comforting embrace. His legs came out from under a forced weight, his shoulder now cushioned against a firm side and eyes open to see the familiar brown trousers beside him. A kiss was placed to his raven hair.


Not knowing what else to say but obviously not needing to when a soothing 'shhh' was breathed against his hair. Being like this under the circumstances may have been awkward for others but for them this was what they needed. The time of day, the heat of the sun in comparison to their warm clothes and their surroundings meant nothing in that moment. No apologies were needed and so none were said, just their breathing and the hold on one another was enough to show how they both felt.

They didn't know how long they had sat like that, it could have been hours or only a matter of minutes, but when Noel shuffled out of Julian's hold to look up at him he knew that it was okay. No smile on his face and no smile on Julian's but he knew that this is how it was supposed to be; with no words and only actions. It was how they worked, the way that they fit together.

Maybe the reason they had never said all those things that Noel knew he wanted to hear and to be able to say back was because of the simple reason that they didn't need to be. That they could all be said with just one look, one touch or just in three simple little words:

"I love you."

The words were whispered from Noel's trembling lips as a tear escaped and rolled its way down his pointed cheek. No more tears fell, no more words were spoken - not even a smile came to be. Just those three simple words that were never said as often as they should be. And then Julian kissed him, it wasn't like they had never kissed before or hadn't done all the other things they had but it was different, it was tender - compassionate and understanding. Not like a prelude to sex or anything but just a kiss and Noel knew it was Julian's own way of saying those three words back and in that time, or in any other time, it was or would have been enough.

It always was.

real person fic, pairing: noel/julian, fan fiction, angst, fandom: the mighty boosh

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