On The Road

Apr 11, 2011 21:40

Title: On The Road
Pairing: Noel/Rich, Noel/Julian
Rating: NC-17 (Don’t really know what else to make it) maybe a bit more PG-13, not sure really.
Word Count: 2,369~
Summary: Noel always needed to be doing something, this time it just happened to be Rich. He was Noel’s toy for the moment, it wouldn’t last long, soon enough he would come crawling back to Julian.
Warnings: Overheard bumming. Angst.
Disclaimer: I do not own Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding, Rich Fulcher or anyone else mentioned in this fic or The Mighty Boosh.
A/N: This is my own writing. Inspired by this particular screencap (http://yfrog.com/h4j381j) from Journey Of The Childmen that I saw ages ago, so yeah I've been working on this for a while. On and off, trying to get it perfect and hopefully I have. Set during their Future Sailors tour, a bit heartbreaking, depending on how you feel about certain stuff. I'm no good at this beforehand talk…

On The Road
Julian searched the deserted hallway, which resembled much like that of a hospital. They were about to do a microphone test. The show started in two hours and both Noel and Rich were missing, as usual. This had started to become a regular thing as of late, if either of them were needed and neither of them were found, or if one turned up so did the other. They were inseparable. Much like how he and Noel used to be.

Although, this only seemed to happen when they were on the road, this time it was on their second tour together. But Julian was committed to his kids and he was constantly in two places at once, physically and mentally. He was always on the phone or just not solely focused on what was going on in front of him. Noel could never take it, let alone understand. It's not like he really expected him to.

Noel always needed to be doing something, this time it just happened to be Rich. He was Noel's toy for the moment, it wouldn't last long, soon enough he would come crawling back to Julian. He always did. No matter how much Noel wanted or tried to believe that he was the one in control, he always came to knees if Julian wanted him to, so to speak. They'd been at it a few weeks now, starting a week or so after they'd left home. At first it was just the normal silly flirtations that were an ongoing game for all of them but then not long after, Julian had spotted them in the bus one afternoon, clearing up from what had obviously just occurred.

That was when it all started, the physical side anyways. He didn't think Noel would actually let Rich fuck him, but he had been wrong. It was at an after party for the first night of the show, Julian caught eye of Noel leading Rich out the back of the club, returning looking more dishevelled than usual. He knew the look on Noel's face, one of pride, ownership. That was all he needed to confirm it, that and he just might have followed them momentarily - one's self couldn't always be living on assumptions. He just wished Noel knew how much doing this killed him, maybe that was part of the plan. Or maybe he just didn't care. Julian could never tell what Noel was thinking or what he wanted, except for those times when it was only them and the moment that would quickly deteriorate until the next time.

The others certainly knew he and Noel had flings every now and again, but it had always been like that. They just figured it was for when they were travelling, like two soldiers away from home looking for some comfort, not that it was actually a friendship going just that bit further. They knew each other inside out, secrets and stories; most of which involved the other anyway. A life without Noel would have been no life at all and now to have seen, heard - and currently hearing - him with someone else regardless of how meaningless he knew it was, tore him apart until his heart bled.

He was pretty sure Rich knew this was just an 'on the road' thing, that it wouldn't be something they could return to at a later point if they wished. He was also sure that Rich had been just as eager to start this as Noel had been, he'd always appeared jealous of Julian. Not that it bothered him, it gave him a sense of satisfaction to know that someone wanted something, or someone, he had. Noel was rather easy to take a liking to and then it was no telling what someone would do to get a hold of him. Julian had been that person at one point, until he learned it was really Noel that had been chasing him and not the other way around. It was a funny thing to learn that after all those years of thinking that he was the dog of a man numerous years younger than he that it was in fact his own self that was the one that said what-was-what.

He hadn't expected that one, that's for sure. Who'd have thought, Noel Fielding: the man of a thousand dreams, was really the one that stole all his dreams subconsciously from Julian? Not he, no way in hell had it even crossed his mind. It still didn't even seem plausible now. But it was, they both knew it. Even though Noel never liked to admit it aloud. That first reality shattering moment when he had first told him was the only time he had heard, and would ever hear, Noel say those words. That he, Noel Fielding: the man of a thousand dreams, wouldn't have those dreams if it weren't for Julian.

If only he understood what had brought them to this point in time then maybe he could've changed something back then. As much as he loved Julia and his sons nothing came close to what he felt for the younger man. It wasn't something he liked to admit, really; I mean - he had children with her for God's sake! He had to love her, he did love her.

Just not as much or in the same way that he did Noel.

He wasn't in love with her.


Julian stopped walking and leant against the lacquered corridor, tilting his head back so it hit the cold hard wall and he groaned in frustration. He'd found them in their usual spot. Julian could hear them, they were just around the corner. He could hear the haggard breaths that Noel breathed and the loud grunts that were emitted from Rich. They were fast and desperate, meaning it was only a quick fuck before the show, probably only hands, tongues and teeth. Just like any other night. He knew their routine by now, when they fucked - when Noel wanted to fuck - where they fucked, how long it usually took or how far gone they were depending on their breathing. It wasn't that hard of a topic to study, really. After all, he already had one half of it down pat.

He lifted his arm and put his hand between the back of his head and the wall, exhaled deeply and listened. The empty corridor and its ability to echo even the slightest sound made him wonder how Dave and Mike didn't know about them. Maybe they did, he was never too sure when it concerned Dave or Mike. They always seemed to have little intimate jokes of their own.

Noel was swearing softly but just loud enough for Julian to hear. They were almost done. The gruffness of Rich's breaths made him seem more rushed than usual. Well, they were running late. All noise of ruffled clothing and slapping skin ceased as the two men around the corner tried to hide their cries of release. Julian smiled to himself; they were improving. Heavy breathing followed and Julian took this as the sign to step around and move them along.

He was greeted by a red faced Rich and a sweaty fringed Noel and they both smiled nervously back at him.

"Alright, Ju." Spoke the half decent Noel as he tucked himself back in and zipped up his fly, the noise sounding particularly loud.

Julian nodded at Rich, who was still buttoning up the baby-blue safari shirt, and he gave Noel a knowing look as he walked past. The other two just looked at each other and silently laughed. Julian quickened his step and Noel followed behind, trying to keep up with his pace and Rich dragged along in his own time.

Even now, Noel was doing as Julian did, whether or not he knew how submissive he really was. This made Julian smile to himself and he chuckled softly, shaking his head as they walked through the stage door to see the rest of them waiting.


Noel had sent Julian looks throughout the entire show. He'd noticed Rich's glances of jealousy that were sent in his direction but were quickly removed when he faced them. The curtain closed and they all slinked back onto the set cheering and whooping that another night of show was finally over, proposing what to do for a night on the town. Noel was prancing all over, coming over to lock arms around Julian's sweaty neck, his nana wig tilting slightly as it collided with Julian's cheek. On his tip-toes in gold boots Noel stood there waiting for Julian to respond into the hug. He did, wrapping his arms to hold onto Noel's also sweaty and soaked, old and torn dress. He pulled his head back slightly and kissed Noel on a cheek covered in black. Noel twisted his head and whispered into Julian's ear words he knew were about to be said, they always were.

"Come back to mine."

He knew it wasn't a question and he knew what it entailed. But he couldn't, not while Noel was being like this. He wasn't thinking wholly about this. As much as he wanted to, Julian couldn't. Seeing the way Rich had looked at him and knowing how he, and it, felt - No. He couldn't.

"Not tonight."

No 'little man'? Why so harsh, Ju?

He pushed the thought from his mind. He knew it was harsh, not that it would have sounded cruel to others but just as a regular refusal, but it was Noel and Noel would understand. He had to.

A look of utter disappointment and a flash of hate flickered across Noel's features. If anyone else had of been looking they wouldn't have seen it for it was gone as quickly as it came; replacing it with a smirk and a stubborn "Whatever. Suit yourself, you're loss."

He could have punched him for saying that. He almost did. But instead he bunched his fists, nails digging into sweaty palms and stinging from the cuts and mix of body salt; watching Noel release his arms and step back to flash a suggestive smirk at Rich, who had been watching the whole time. Rich's eyes never left Noel these days, not at times like this. Not when he had such a firm, however minute, grasp on Noel for whatever amount of time he did. This was his time and not even Julian was going to ruin that. Not right now, anyways.

Noel grabbed Rich's hand and led them off the stage, not taking his eyes off Julian until they were out of sight; Rich too looking at Julian for a second before flicking back to Noel. He sighed to himself and shook his head. Dave and Mike hadn't seen what had just happened, not that it was really anything to see, they were still laughing and talking amongst themselves. Even if they had seen they didn't appear to have. Probably from witnessing it happen so often and recognising it as a regular scene.

Julian led himself off stage, having Mike and Dave follow after him and then take over to walk in front.

"Coming tonight, Ju?" asked Dave, although he already knew the answer.

Julian shook his head, attempting to fake the slightest smile in order to show that he really wasn't feeling as bad as he may have appeared. Regardless of the truth that was obviously otherwise. Dave nodded in response and hooked an arm around Mike's lower shoulders, taking them away into the darkness and presumably out for a night at the pub. Julian continued in the direction of the exit but swerved into the dimly lit corridor, heading to the dressing room to get his things.

His boots were the only sound audible as he walked through the hallway. Seeing the familiar sign on the also familiar door Julian twisted the handle and stepped in, turning to his side to flick the plastic light switch on the painted stone wall. It flickered one, twice, and then stopped brightly with a 'ping' of the bulb. A figure stepped forward and pressed him into the door, accosting his lips with soft damp salty ones. Noel pushed his tongue eagerly into Julian's mouth and yearned for control of the warm heated space that he knew so well.
He had been crying. Lord knows why, but Julian didn't dare to ask. He'd stopped bothering lately, just letting Noel be the way he was and feel what he wanted without question.

He pushed his tongue against Noel's, fighting for ownership of the shared space between them. Noel moved down and placed soft kisses along Julian's stubbled jaw line as he ran his free hands lower, one reaching and squeezing Julian's arse and the other rubbing him through his trousers and releasing a moan from deep in his throat.

Suddenly reality hit and Julian froze, ceasing all motion against Noel's eager frame. He didn't want to stop but he knew he had to. Had to stand his ground - he'd told him no.

What about that didn't he understand?

Not looking Noel in the eye Julian shoved him backwards, sending him riling into the counter; he steadied himself on the chair beside him in which he had previously sat as he'd awaited Julian. Rich was waiting outside in the cold, oblivious to what was going on inside. Not that it was any of his business. A menacing stare of horror and hatred burned into Julian from Noel's once again tear stricken face. He quickly looked away and grabbing his coat from the hook, fled the room in a casual and disappointed manner. He heard Noel screaming after him, heard the Cuban heels run a few steps into the lino hallway.

Broken cries echoed down the walls and consumed him, spitting words of hate and disgust as he found the exit and stepped out onto the cold street. Rich was there waiting and his eyes looked up at Julian, showing concern from obviously hearing Noel's wailing cries. He didn't say anything. He couldn't say anything. But he nodded, giving Rich the silent order: He's all yours.

For tonight, anyways.

Part 2 )

real person fic, pairing: noel/julian, fan fiction, angst

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