Nov 08, 2008 17:58 the casino this evening. I invited Data to meet me there. I am not entirely sure why. I enjoy his company, but that isn't the reason. I don't want him involved in a blag. It would be...inappropriate. But I am not even sure that such is my plan.
The sense of entrapment I felt when I arrived here has - not abated, exactly, but evolved. I have been remiss in my duties; I haven't found a way to escape and save the others. Previously, when offered the opportunity to live a safe and indulgent life in solitude, I have chosen the harder path in company. Who knows why. Perhaps some residual twitch of conscience from my upbringing. Perhaps because even I would find it difficult to spend forever completely alone. But this situation is very different. My colleagues are already dead. I'm still not completely sure that I am not. And the village has more to offer than I expected.
I've been seduced away from my true purpose here. Some sort of recompense, some form of penance is required. I will go to the casino. What exactly I expect to happen there I'm not sure. But I feel certain that something will. I hope it may give me some peace.