
Oct 27, 2008 19:52

My life has become a whirlwind of bizarre lunacy once again, this time in a completely different and much less fatal way. The latest extraordinary development is that I seem to have a date for a Halloween party, escorted by an android dressed as Sherlock Holmes. I will be portraying Dr. Watson. Why do I feel that somewhere out there beyond the edge of the universe, Vila is laughing at me?

Speaking of home thoughts from abroad: no trouble from Servalan's ex-guard dog so far. He appears to be ignoring me. It's almost insulting. I'm beginning to feel energetic again following the unpleasant post-stimulant fatigue...a little bother might even be welcome. I understand the slime has taken up some sort of position at the casino. And I happen to have a friend with an astonishing gift for stochastic algorithms. Would it be wrong to corrupt him so soon? Data is astonishingly...innocent, though he seems to have seen and experienced far more than most people. He is also extremely moral. There is something profoundly *un*corruptible about him, in fact. I doubt he would be willing to partake in any illegal activity, even here, in this strange extra-cosmic playground.

I might do it myself anyway, if I can get Orac operational. Even though money is far less of an issue here than anywhere else, and there's nowhere to buy exit visas *to*. Petty, perhaps, but frankly it's been too long since I've been on a good blag. And the prospect of getting up Travis's pointy nose is just too appealing.

Possibilities, possibilities...
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