This is clearly a Seahorse

Oct 30, 2004 18:25

Writing my trip experiences will take some time, so in the meantime, I'll just say that I'm back and that the trip was great.
Hopefully, more will follow on that subject, including illustrative photos.

Less than 24 hours after my landing, I was sucked into the vortex of M.B.A. studies. It's strange being a student again. First of all, I had to confront matrices and functions and their likes, which I had hoped never to encounter again. I guess every field of knowledge is contaminated with math, so there is no where to run... :)

Also, I forgot how uncooperative and arrogant professors can be ["I understant that there is only one copy of the book in the library, and that there is no place in Israel one can buy the book, but there is nothing I can do about that. You will still have to find a way to do your homework for next week, based on the second chapter. And please note that I dissapprove of abusing the authors' copyrights by photocopying it."]. And he's supposed to teach us rational decision making. Ha!

Now I have to get back to my homework...
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