A Postcard from Victoria

Oct 08, 2004 13:56

I am now furthest away from home that I've ever been. My current location is Victoria, Vancouver Island, which is situated west to Vancouver. I don't think you can get much wester than this, as the ENDLESS flights we had to take here will tell.

My inner ear is playing its tricks on me again, so my Canda experience is rather wobbly. There is the wave illusion when sitting, but my personal favourite is the trampoline effect when walking. Nature has played a cruel trick on me - my condition is worse when visiting book stores. Something about staring at all the titles just makes me even dizzier than usual. The extreme dizziness I experience while typing this is my excuse for this poorly written entry.

The scenery, is, of course, amazing. Imagine Mordor as a ski resort. Or The Norwegian Fjords combined with Monkey Island's small tropical islands. I really can't describe the beauty of this place (They should have sent a poet ;) ).

The only unfriendly Canadian we have met so far was the boardgame shop owner, who, unsurprisingly was named Darcy. It's in their nature, I think. To be be silent, brooding and slightly snobbish. But I have countless new games and books (Dizzy or not - some things are not effected). On the other hand, we've seen a violin playing Darth Vader, so I can safely say that I have now seen it all.

The coffee here should be properly renamed Murky Water.

Smoking, we were told, is practically illegal in BC (a district four times the size of the U.K) so you gotta love those canadians.

The weather is not at its best. But come rain or come shine, the Madame's trip goes on as planned.

See you all soon!
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