Christmas and... Bones?!

Dec 28, 2007 20:03

Hey peeps! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I certainly did, although as I already mentioned to some, I spent the night before Christmas throwing up like crazy!! I think it was the mix of oysters, smoked salmon and foie gras... :s Lunch on Christmas day was pretty light for me then since I was scared of being sick again, but the presents definitely cheered me up (I didn't expect half of them!) and with my family, we all ended up going to see Enchanted which I highly recommend! My brother and I couldn't stop laughing (we're really loud as well!) and I thought James Marsden did a terrific job; I never thought he could be so funny.

Since Christmas, I tried doing some coursework... (yeah, as if that was gonna happen) and ended up watching Rome, the tv show, with my mum. She got me the season 1 boxset for Christmas and I'm really enjoying it, except for all the random sex scenes they add in there. Has anyone else watched that show?

I also started watching Bones. I don't know if any of you have watched it before, but a friend of mine recommended it to me since I study human remains. I've only watched the first 2 episodes but from what I saw, it seemed quite accurate. In case some of you don't know anything the show, it revolves around a female forensic anthropologist who helps the FBI (David Boreanaz... yum!) whenever they discover someone's body. It's all based on Kathy Reichs' books apparently, but I've never read any of them... might have to try reading one soon :) Anyway, on the show the anthropologist studies the skeleton in her lab and then blurbs out all these details about the person's life to her police buddy and they resolve the case. You can tell a lot about bones, but the machine they use on the show that puts a face to the skull, sadly doesn't exist. I'm definitely going to be watching more only cause I'm a geek and like it when I hear them talk about stuff I learnt at uni. Plus, it motivates me to write my essays...

Oh yeah, the essays... I've got 2 to hand in when I get back from Paris and I've barely started. One's about Neanderthal skulls whilst the other is about the differences between trepanation and trauma... hmmm, quite morbid I know, but I actually chose those titles! :p

Also, I wrote 500 words last night for chapter 13 of HWY, but I left my notebook in London and so I can't finish the damn chapter till I go back. The most important scene is already all written out in it (its between Draco and Hermione and like an idiot, I can't remember any of it). I was really hoping to finish the chapter before this year. I guess 2007 was really a bad year for me after all.

My mum said my horoscope predicted I would have an amazing 2008. God, I really hope so :)

bones, tv shows, fanfiction

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