I'm catching up for sure! Here's the next episode overview. It's another picspam entry.
Mini-Synopsis: A botched TR plan scatters everyone's Pokemon across Canalave City. Confusion and aggravation aplenty as they all search for each other and Meowth considers leaving TR.
First of all, I didn't like this episode. Yes, it was a filler, but even so... it was just meh. I apologize in advance if this overview is not very funny, I tried. That being said, here were the few things that caught my attention.
Everyone looks like they came from a hoity-toity travel ad.
I loved Barry and Brock sitting with their legs crossed while Dawn didn't. Then I guffawed at Ash's pose. Seriously, why would he stand like that?
Canalave City is an archepelago? WOAH...
LOL... Barry is too cool for you.
Everyone is like, "What happened?"
FORESHADOWING!!!! That is all I have to say
I lol'd at the explosion and how it managed to blast away an Empoleon and Grotle but not any of the people. WHAT? This does not make sense.
Giant Piplup is Giant.
If they were real life characters they would make a most excellent sitcom.
Pikachu wins the award for making me laugh the most with the same expression.
Piplup FAIL. I'm starting to see why there is so much Piplup hate. Sorry haters, I still love the little penguin despite her ridiculous attitude.
Brock: "What in the world is wrong with this place?" He wins best quote award.
"Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!"
What did I tell you?... They'd make an excellent sitcom.
Some good pics of TR. WE DON'T THROW AWAY!!! WE RECYCLE!!!
L. O. L.
Meowth = Stewie Griffin?
Ha ha ha... Poor Staravia didn't get any...
Thank God, it's over...