Oct 31, 2004 15:41
well to start i finally had that party and it was great. like 15 people showed up. its amazing i pulled it off cause i had it during a hurricane.that girl at lunch was just playing with my emotions but hey i guess she probably had no idea. at the moment i have found somebody and shes great. she loves everything about me, and vice versa. there is another girl that has feelings for me but ive never seen her and i dont know how serious she is. until i find out im gonna stay with her[the first one]and when i find out how serious it is depending on the situation ill be forced to make a decision, hopefully the last one ill have to make regarding my love life but who knows shit happens.the other night i had gone with a few friends to a get together at flippers. i had to walk there from my house and then when it ended at 1 am i had to walk all the way home. but hey it gave me time to think shit through. a while after that we got our report cards. i was so fucking surprised that i got 4 a's and 2 b's everyone was so fucking jealous but oh well i didnt even try so they shouldnt complain. anyways i had a party to celebrate it yesterday and it went great she was there and i was dress up so we couldnt do shit but hey we went to the movies then flippers then burger king then the bridge at town and country. i had only invited like 5 people and like 30 had showed up. but either way i had a great time. i wanna make plans with her for next week cause i cant spend another weekend without her. maybe we can go back to town and country cause like the back part of that place is abandoned at night making it the perfect place to go on a date cause you can be alone together. all i wanna do is run away with her someday, itd make me so happy. well i guess thats it for now. till the next time i write good bye.