May 23, 2012 21:57
First of I love this idea of a journal, I it takes me a lot to hate a character and even when I do hate him, I still thinks the fans need to cut them some slack. Okay well first of sadly I can't supported is Adric, Peri, and Mels not that I don't hate them, I just hadn't seen the episodes yet.
Susan:Susan was hated for screaming too much and getting kidnapped a lot, while yes this is true but first of this show aired in 1963 woman where not really like Black Widow, Ziva David or Buffy the vampire slayer and second of, she was helpful, the flaming
skulls that they used to escape the caveman? Yeah that was her idea, she had to run though a whole dark forest to get the vials, cuz lan was paralysed, both the Doctor and Barbara where too unwell. It was her strong telepathy that helped pretty much though
the whole episode of the the Sensorites. She is also a kind fifteen year old woman, cares a lot for her grandfather(the Doctor) and feels like she needs to take care of him. Oh and there's also the fact that I think she is adorable.
Vicki:Honesty? I don't get why everybody says she is a Damsel in Distress, she was shown to be very useful sure she was not "ms saves the day" but she was capable enough, her at times not being able to understand some stuff, I don't know why was she from the future or something? Was also really funny.
Rose: While I did think RTD made a mistake while writing her with the Tenth Doctor, I never hated her people called her heartless for dumping Mickey, for being jealous of Sarah Jane when it turned out that Rose was not his first, first of Rose was told that the
TARDIS was a time machine she thought that if she ran off with the Doctor then she could come back and do to the TARDIS being a TM it would be like she never left. When it turned out the TARDIS made a mistake and she was gone for one year she felt
AWFUL for it, now to Rose being jealous first of it is not like woman didn't get jealous they do pretty much all of them do, second of Sarah Jane was also not on good terms with her, then they both realized how childish they where being laughed then became good
friends. They used more things of her being heartless and jealous but I already made my point, and now the for the last stand for her, they call her a Damsel in Distress does Rose got kidnap? Yes but EVERY COMPANIONS GETS KIDNAPPED EVERY LITTLE
ONE EVEN THE FIGHTING ONES. She was not just a Damsel in Distress she shot a possessed men by the Beast(who could have been a Demon, even Satan but I didn't think it was Satan but yes a demon) with a "go to hell" after she left the Doctor but not
by choice she want looking for him, from world to world with the biggest gun. People also hated her for that but for reasons I also disagree with but this rant is long enough.
Martha:*Sigh* oh hating a character for shipping reasons, yes people Martha fall in love with the Doctor who was hung up by Rose(both the Doctor and Rose liked etch other) shame her for it! How dare she fall in love with Rose's true love! And she is jealous too?! *sigh* what is it with fans and giving a character hell for being jealous? It is not liked they don't get jealous when they see
they crush giving love looks to they boyfriends/girlfriends. Also I don't blame Martha for getting a bit jealous/sad over the Doctor being hung up by Rose he talked about her, in front of her, how would you like it if your crush was talking about his/her ex
boyfriend/girlfriend, I get why the Doctor misses her I don't even think he know Martha liked him into later, but I see why Martha is
coming from. And do you know want to two things that still grinds my gears?
1.Martha is OVER THE Doctor she married Mickey Smith, why are they still hating her?
2.The whole Rose vs Martha war which is still going on can't we settle it? Both Rose and Martha are happy the storyline had ended, why can't we just like both Rose and Martha like I(and thankfully others) do?
Amy:Well I can't call her the s world as I'm not allowed to say it, but fans call Amy a s*** yes Amy did kiss the Doctor before her wedding night, yes it was bad for her but she nearly died it does things to people's mind, yes she did have one episode where she wonders if Rory is her true love or does she love the Doctor in the end she chose RORY, did she flirted with a men in roman armor?
Did she had a short fling with Vincent Van Gogh(the show does things like that...) yes but she COULDN'T REMEMBER RORY AT THE TIME he was erased from time itself she shown her love for Rory plenty times, she hadn't batted her eyes at anybody since
that that roman guy, which was one little scene and nothing came out of it. Oh yes people also thinks she is horrible woman do her being feisty, not every woman has to be nice kind sweet woman.
River:People call River a Mary Sue, of course rather is River a SM is up to the viewers, well I don't think she is, okay people think River is being shoved done the viewers throats, but River is not in every episode, And is mostly left for hints of in future episodes she mostly is in just the start of the season and the ending of the season.