I love this character, so I MUST bash that one to make them look good!

Feb 17, 2012 10:16

So yeah, I was going through tumblr and checking on stuff, and I got to thius Hinata defense. Ar first sight it's a nice one, dedicated to dispell the fanon about her, and seems to be pretty genuine.

And then I read it again... and after a second reading, I was REALLY uncomfortable.

- she dresses decently, I know people nowadays think being a prude is a bad thing, but can you really talk to a girl if her bust was in your face all the time *coughtsunadecough* ? even as a girl I’m uncomfortable talking to a woman in a generous V-neck XD dressing modestly forces people to get to know her as a human being on an intellectual level, almost equally to the other ‘guys’ as opposite to other girls in the manga who never seem to forget doing their nails and watching their weight *-*

L O L WHAT. Not only this stuff slutshames the Hell out of Tsunade and of ANY woman who dares not cover up her breasts if they're bigchested, but it also accuses the other Naruto girls OF STUFF THAT ISN'T EVEN TRUE. Yes, Sakura let her hair grow because she thought Sasuke would like her better, but when Kin called her out on it she stopped doing so. IIRC didn't her hair grow during her training with Taunade, and yet she cut it short again before Shippuden? Because that doesn't speak "only cares for her looks" to me. Oh, and wanting to look nice isn't inherently bad either.

Also, you stupid kid? I'm a bigbreasted woman and I use generous V-necks. Don't project your slutshaming on me and on other fictional/real women, thank you. And I'm also an uni student who can talk equally to guys and other women in several subjects while wearing these V-necks. :P

And the end of the rant is a piece of work too.

Now please compare her to any other female in the manga and tell me who the weak and useless one is. because to me a girl that depends on the boys to protect her and never seems to get the job done is the useless one =\

Shit like this must Go. To. HELL. If this person loved Hinata as much as they claim to, they wouldn't need to bash the other Naruto women to show her off. Ino isn't useless and specially not NOW in the Shinobi War, Tsunade does as much as she can as Hokage, Tenten isn't at the fighting level of others but still does what she can, Temari is a pretty decetn fighter on her own, and let's not forget about Sakura with her ups and downs.

Specially about Sakura, since she gets bashed to Hell and back by rabid Hinata lovers. And as someone who adores Hinata and NaruHina but will alwas have a soft spot for Sakura, I say STOP THIS BULLSHIT. It's thanks to people like this that all Hinata fans have an horrible rep as Sakura bashers, and it's not fair.

For a fan of an "underappreciated" character, you completely undermined your arguments via using misogyny and slutshaming to "defend" her, as well as hating on the other Naruto women. GROW UP.

slutshaming, bashers suck, "real women never wear dresses!!", character a vs. character b, "you're not allowed to live it down!", crying "sexual = slut", "stop having a vagina!!", hypocrisy, bashed characters

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