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kankurette January 22 2012, 19:37:02 UTC
Erm...I don't think she should be compared with Aizen. Since he's a canon character and I really doubt Kubo had anything to do with Kujo's creation. Also, someone rightfully called the poster on it.
- Double Standards: There are many, MANY insanely overpowered characters in Bleach. Kokuto? Arturo Plateado? Bansui Amatsuki? Sosuke Aizen? Genryusai Yamamoto? Ichigo Kurosaki? They're all men, so they pass. A woman is overpowered, though? UN-A-CCEP-TA-BLE. KILL HER. KILL HER WITH FIRE.
- Unfortunate Implications: According to MANY loud fans, women aren't allowed to have lots of power and the spotlight on Bleach, otherwise she is to be (insert: bashed, slutshamed, falsely accused of Mary Suedom, etc.) but it gets worse. Kageroza has been better received even though he's about as broken and quite literally her Evil Counterpart and Spear Counterpart. This could be more because he's used his powers a bit more cleverly and everyone was sick of Aizen.Kageroza was just as bad, IMO. Yes, Kujo's pretty overpowered for a filler character but so ( ... )


ladyhadhafang January 22 2012, 20:03:30 UTC
TV Tropes is a pretty misogynistic site in general.

This. Just this.


beata_malfoy January 22 2012, 20:12:13 UTC
It's an otherwise great site, but has fallen prey to Fan Dumb and Hate Dumb. It's basically a case of "great site, terrible people". A lot of users seem to think they know everything about analyzing fiction, when in truth they can't move past black-and-white archtypes. They seem to enjoy taking a complex character and then stripping them of their layers until they get either "PURE GOOD" or "PURE EVIL". I stick mainly to the objective tropes and occasionally dabble into the subjective ones.

And yes, I do remember some of the more misogynist users like that one guy who said that, while watching Glee, he and his friends were ROOTING for Will to hit his wife after learning about her fake pregnancy because of the "not okay to hit a girl" trope. I think a lot of female characters who get bashed by male users remind said users of their ex-girlfriends in some shape or form.


ladyhadhafang January 22 2012, 20:22:16 UTC
They seem to enjoy taking a complex character and then stripping them of their layers until they get either "PURE GOOD" or "PURE EVIL".

Tell me about it. I mean, God! D:

And yes, I do remember some of the more misogynist users like that one guy who said that, while watching Glee, he and his friends were ROOTING for Will to hit his wife after learning about her fake pregnancy because of the "not okay to hit a girl" trope. I think a lot of female characters who get bashed by male users remind said users of their ex-girlfriends in some shape or form.

That or they just suck. But yeah...this, seriously.


akai_senshi January 22 2012, 22:39:07 UTC
Their ex-girlfriends or their mom. Whichever it is they have more issues with.


akai_senshi January 22 2012, 22:38:07 UTC
It's an otherwise great site, but has fallen prey to Fan Dumb and Hate Dumb. It's basically a case of "great site, terrible people".

THIS SO VERY HARD. And yeah, "stripping characters of all complexity" seems to be many tropers' modus operandi. Sadly.

(FYI, I find it hilarious that many tropers subscribe to Black and White Insanity and then go ahead and bash characters for doing the same.)


kankurette January 23 2012, 07:49:56 UTC
Yeah, it used to be great, but it's overridden with creepers and misogynists and idiots. Plus stuff like Naruto, MLP and Homestuck has tons of pages, while stuff like Brave New World barely gets a look in.

In the Naruto bits, you cannot say anything bad about Itachi, Naruto or Hinata, but Sasuke and Sakura are fair game. I don't even like Sasuke and the bashing of him on TV Tropes - while glorifying the man who made him that way, no less - is a bit extreme for me. And the Nice Guys can't get their heads around why the 'girl hits boy' trope exists. Also, I really do not need to read tropers' wank fantasies, kthx. Thank G-d Fetish Fuel and Troper Tales got dropped.

I do post there myself, but rarely venture into the forums and am growing rapidly disillusioned with the site.


beata_malfoy January 23 2012, 17:23:12 UTC
I don't watch Naruto, but a lot of Sasuke edits struck me as suspicious bashing just because of the way they're phrased alone. I don't go in and edit them, though, because I'm not familiar with the source material.


darktheindirges January 25 2012, 16:55:00 UTC
I'm a Troper and user of the forums, myself, and I haven't really noticed any creepers. Rape apologists, really? Then again, I've never gone to a rape trope page in my life. There's a lot of annoying things on the forums (like the people who treat the original cut of the Star Wars Original Trilogy as equivalent to a religious text; would you please just SHUT UP?) but the creepiest thing I've seen so far was people in the One Piece thread making excuses for the World Government. Granted, that was creepy enough to scare me away from that thread...


ladyhadhafang January 25 2012, 23:41:53 UTC

(like the people who treat the original cut of the Star Wars Original Trilogy as equivalent to a religious text; would you please just SHUT UP?)

You have my sympathy, man. :/


akai_senshi January 22 2012, 22:47:32 UTC
Oh, I hear you. This is why I stopped watching Bleach.

And I think the reason the female characters get bashed my men is as follows:

1.) Female characters get bashed by women.
2.) Horny straight male fans, lured by the promise of possible real-life pussy, pretend to agree with the misogynist female fans in order to appear "feminist" and get laid.
3.) Sooner or later, it's not just an act. Guy honestly believes female character is evil, even though his plan to get laid has backfired. HORRIBLY.

Granted, there are a lot of actual male misogynists online, but this is what I think happens for a lot of them. "If I hate this female character, maybe this female fan who ALSO hates this character will DO ME because I look like such a NICE GUY!" It's still misguided though.


ladyhadhafang January 22 2012, 22:59:26 UTC
Apparently those guys have never heard of the term "quality time with oneself".

((Okay, that was awful. I'm sorry.))


minilovely January 23 2012, 01:29:12 UTC
I don't think misogyny and the MAYBE I'LL GET LAID BECAUSE I'M SUCH A NICE GUY mentality are mutually exclusive, tbh.


kankurette January 23 2012, 07:50:22 UTC
Not always, but there is a pretty big overlap.


akai_senshi January 23 2012, 20:50:48 UTC
You two do have a point.


dioschorium January 22 2012, 23:58:36 UTC
On what occasions did you find forums rife with rape apologists?

(On second thought, do I really want to know?)


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