Oh, Tv Tropes. Why is your Bleach fringe so crazy?

Jan 22, 2012 13:50

Here I am, ranting about both my favorite character and another that I don't even like so much!

I follow the Bleach manga more than the anime, due to both laziness and preferences. Therefore, the last filler arc (the Gotei 13 Invading Army Arc) didn't strike my fancies and I didn't pay attention to it. Also, I didn't really pay attention to the new sort-of female protagonist it introduced, a girl from Soul Society named Nozomi Kujou. Meh.

And then I saw this.

Dear GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, Tv Tropes. What the everloving FUCK has Nozomi done to you?! Scroll down to see what makes me so cross-eyed.

The primary reason as to why she's a Creator's Pet.
* Black Hole Sue: Once she finished off a lot of opponents without breaking a sweat, the plot suddenly chose to revolve around her a lot more than it should've.
* God Mode Sue: Reigai were designed to be stronger than the original Shinigami; that's an established fact. As a distant relative to the Reigai, Nozomi is a two-bit Modsoul, so what's her ability? Energy Absorption, which she uses to kill three Reigai Captains in exactly two hits, one of whom ended up being the copy of Kenpachi Zaraki. What makes it worse is that each of those Reigai (i.e. Zaraki, Byakuya, Hitsugaya and Komamura) removed their purple bracelets, making them even stronger than they were beforehand; of the three killed, two were using Bankai. Reigai Zaraki managed to stave off the first strike, but died on the second, while Reigai Kuchiki only survived because he put up a barrier; he was torched by Yamamoto. And if that still isn't enough to convince you, we'll give you a comparison: Amagai had a Zanpakuto-negating power, but it wasn't his main ability and it couldn't work on Visoreds. Here, Nozomi only needs to get a sample of your reiatsu to kill you; she's even stronger than MUGETSU ICHIGO.
** Remember Kyoraku's shadow ability, the one so subtle it could even catch the Primera Espada flat-footed? Nozomi sensed it coming, blocked the attack, instantly recognized what the ability could do and figured out how to defeat it. At this point, she's had access to her Zanpakuto for less than half a day. Even Ichigo needed longer than that to develop Zangetsu.
* Jerk Sue: She's quite snarky towards a good portion of the cast, but she never gets called out on it. As an example, when Nozomi bluntly said that Rukia sucks as an artist, Rukia takes the time to abuse Kon and Ichigo (who were just snickering) instead.
* Mary Sue: In order to remove the view of her being a Flat Character, the anime writers decided to give her more personality and development. What was the result? She's quite cold towards most of the cast, but gets an unusual level of concern from those that she openly dislikes. She's supposedly a Modsoul, but possesses a ridiculously overpowered ability that would put Mugetsu Ichigo to shame. She gets an absurd amount of over-importance to the plot, and steals the limelight from established protagonists that need it more than she ever does or will. She's the only character that has uniquely green hair and purple eyes, matching her distinguished status as the first ever Modsoul created. In other words, she's officially become a Creator's Pet, while still managing to be less interesting than the rest of the cast. Congrats, Abe, congrats.
* Neutrality Sue: Her almost perpetual state of stoic indifference allows free reign for the writers to randomly switch her personality from one mode into the next, without explaining why, even as her backstory is revealed.
* Relationship Sue: Kon, the only canon Modsoul, is noted for being an equal-opportunity pervert where big-breasted females (and Rukia) are concerned, but it's Played for Laughs.... unless Nozomi is in the picture. Her rude comments and petite frame make him uncharacteristically contrite about his perverted nature; her Sugar and Ice Personality makes him unusually concerned with gaining her approval; her Distressed Damsel situations fuel his desire to save Nozomi; her unique background ends up partially rewriting his own to make him even more loyal and compassionate towards Nozomi; her moments of powerlessness prompts Kon to boost her resolve and gain her powers (when he never did to anyone else); her status as a Spotlight-Stealing Squad leads to both replacing Ichigo and Rukia as the arcs' main characters; and her connection with the Arc Villain leads to Kon actually saving the day. All because she was the one girl he happened to fall in love with.
* Sympathetic Sue: Ties into the Relationship Sue ordeal. Whenever she gets these "I need to be stronger!", "I can prove that I'm worth my salt!" moments, their main purpose (other than to disprove the characters' doubts about her skill) is to garner sympathy and further compassion from Kon.

I mean, dedicating SEVERAL walls of text to explain why Nozomi is an horrible Mary Sue? Shoehorning her in many Sue tropes, no matter whether she does really fit or not? Claiming she's worse than AIZEN? Whining because she's oh so powerful, when there are MANY males more powerful than she is in canon? Which is specially hypocritical considering all of the bitching about how the females are sooooo like useless - a woman does have genuine power, and they pile up on her!

I mean, she's not even a super ultra canon chara since she's only in the anime, and yet she inspires such an horrible raaaaaaage from a fandom that considers itself oh-so feeeeeeminist?

Gimme a break.

Also, take a look at this recently hacked off that same YMMV.

* SympatheticSue: Inverted. Instead of the plot throwing her into situations that [[{{Wangst}} force your sympathy]], it's more like the plot has an ''addiction'' of turning her back into a ShallowLoveInterest for Ichigo, which stunts her CharacterDevelopment and devolves her into a SatelliteCharacter. From that, her detractors claim that her BreakTheCutie moments [[{{Wangst}} aren't working to elicit sympathy]], harshly citing that she ''always'' fails to get ''anything'' done for herself.

BULLSHIT. Orihime hasn't receeded for the fact that she's in love with Ichigo. It's thanks to Ichigo that she developed powers, because she AND CHAD wanted to help him (Coincidentally, the bashers "forget" about Chad's own part and only cite Orihime being a failure of a woman due to it.) it's thanks to Ichigo that she joined the group. She has come to use her feelings for Ichigo less as an emotional crutch and more as a motivator that makes her aim to become a better person and barrier warrior. But the haters reuse to see it, and pigeonhole her as a satellite character! Oh, but later the fandom claims they want her ~to grow up and mature~... while often claiming that she pretty much should have her mouth surgically attached to either Ulquiorra's or Ishida's penises. Because that whole paragraph sounds EXACTLY like crap that has been spewed 1000 times by those who hate Orihime due either loving Ichigo and thus "cockblocking" Rukia, or consider her inferior for not being a Supuh Akshun Gurrrrrl caricature.

Oh, Orihime bashers. Stop "concern trolling" and claiming that you want Orihime to develop and to do something, when what you truly want is to either "clear the path" for your IchiRuki OTP or to become a coockie cutter stereotype of an Action Girl so she can fit in your insanely high and sexist stanarts of what a Real Woman should be.

Done with this, have a good day!

crying "third wheel", crying "tomboy = bitch", crying "get away from my bishies!", bleach, crying "heroine = mary sue", crying "mary sue", crying "damsel scrappy!", crying "he likes her she must die", anime girls, crying "not angelic = bitch", crying "female = whore/slut/skank/tramp", crying "stoicness = no personality", crying "angsty = bitch!", crying "reserved = bitch"

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