Goddess Sue? You WISH.

Jul 27, 2008 10:32

Dear... special secret poster at fandomsecrets which I hope is a troll:

Haruhi Suzumiya? Not a Mary Sue.

She's a young girl who doesn't know she's got god-like powers and is good at lots of things she does, yeah. But Suzumiya-san's also got huge flaws, like:

- She's got ZERO interaction skills for a long time, which is treated realistically because the people at her school might like how good she is at singing, sports, etc., but don't seem to like her as a person. Even at the end, it's still hard for her to interact with others.

- She is NOT immediately loved by everyone. Kyon keeps calling her on her behavior, and prior to the formation of the SOS Brigade she had NO friends at school because everyone thought she was too weird and she thought everyone else was beneath her.

- Her reality warping powers are a *genuine* risk for everyone around her. The SOS members have to constantly check on her so Haruhi doesn't go off without even knowing it, and that's a VERY good reason to put up with the... REALLY odd things she comes up with. That goes beyond the "OMG she treats me badly but I LOVE her anyway".

So? Yeah. Female chara you dislike =/= Sue. FAIL.

crying "mary sue", the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, crying "tomboy = bitch", sexist bullshit

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