I've seen that someone brought up Misty here, but I feel like making my own rant about the hatred she still gets to this day. [Yes, I'm being very serious about that.] The hate the other characters got was pretty bad as explained by fellow members [Brock, Kenny, Zoey, Misty] who all did a wonderful job explaining. I don't understand what is to hate about all of them.
Here I go with Misty.
I became very tired of the stupidity running throughout forums over the character Misty. Remember the redhead in the old seasons, guys? Yup, that's her! I've been a very loyal fan of her ever since I first saw her in Princess VS Princess, but once I came upon forums... holy crap.
People there despised her like hell. I thought it was terribly insulting when others say the following:
Misty is too old for Ash (Once I compared it to like Queen Elizabet and Jesse McArtney)
What the hell. Misty has been proven to be the same age as Ash. It's implyed in the episode Ash Catches a Pokemon where Misty states from a Japanese translation, "This is the worst ten years of my life!"
Misty is too tall for Ash (Hi, I'm Ash, and this is my girlfriend! What do you mean she's too tall for the loveboat?)
Okay, just because Misty's taller doesn't mean she should be recieving comments as ignorant as that. So what if she's taller? Have people never heard of classic couples such as Mario/Peach [Super Mario] or the recent well-liked pairing of Otani/Risa [Lovely Complex]?
Misty is Tomboyed and Red-Headed( Need I say more? The worst combo for a girl)
Whaaaat? Not all tomboys are redheads and vice-versa. How is being a tomboy bad for her character? Misty's a strong, feisty girl who doesn't let people get away with stupid comments or anyone degrading her. She speaks her opinion loud and clear. And god, just because she's a redhead doesn't mean all redheads have bad tempers. Stereotype, anyone?
Misty isn't girly like May and Dawn are!
Have you looked at what the animators have done to May recently? She got a breast reduction in her recent return in Diamond/Pearl. [I'm serious that fanboys love how she had a bigger chest while fanboys keep going crazy over Dawn's skirt.] And I don't get why Misty's hated just because she doesn't have the "breasts" or wears a skirt like Dawn does. It's ridiculous. Personality, please!
May's fanbase may be psychotic in the manner of drooling over May constantly, but the Misty fanbase is really embarrassing.
They spent the entire 4 years of AG making complete and utter fools of themselves. Whining, moaning and complaining that Misty left the series, despite the fact that her character was all but dead in the Johto era and she had absolutely no reason to be on the show anymore. Misty leaving the show was the best thing that could have happened to her character, why anyone wanted to see her ruined even more than she was already is beyond me. This show needs to get rid of its dead weight, not keep it around.
And if making complete fools of themselves for 4 years wasn't enough, they're now, "rising from the grave" to praise Hikari, despite the fact that she does the exact same thing May did, and she's the same type of girly girl that May is.
It's really embarrassing, and their cowardice is overwhelming. The D/P series is about consistent in quality with the AG series, it's just that they spent so much time in their holes as bitter and emotionally repressed individuals that they couldn't enjoy AG, so they're now crawling out on their hands and knees and have the nerve to show their faces on the forums after their ridiculous antics during the AG era.
May's fanbase is psychotic, but for completely different reasons. I imagine Hikari's fanbase will be as crazy as May's was, where they drool over her body and hope for panty shots.
The whole irony of it all was that this person always bashed Misty and is a fanboy of May. Hypocrite statement, anyone? All fandoms are insane, trust me.
It's a shame too. You would think the Misty fans would be happy that they took her off the show to salvage what was left of her character instead of dragging the dead horse through every saga like they do with Brock. Misty being off the show is what saved her character, and I'm amazed people think it's a bad thing that the writers did it.
May is/was the most bashed female character on the show, simply because precious Misty was axed. I guess they were upset that Misty was replaced by a younger, cuter model. A heroine at that, who had an arc that went on as long as Ash's while Misty had nothing in comparison. I guess it has to do with jealousy too?
For the first place, I'm indifferent. In some ways, I truly think the writers could have done more with Misty instead of having endless amounts of pointless fillers. I am quite content with the fact that Misty's over at the gym. What is this, a Misty fangirl saying that she's happy over Misty being at the gym?! Well, yes. I have a lot to say about Misty's character at the gym as opposed to hers in Johto.
The only thing that bugs me is when Misty fanatics try to claim that Misty was a perfectly "sane" character who never whined or moaned to the group and that May did this constantly. Not only is it untrue, but it makes them look like cowards as if they're trying to desperately make their favored girl look better.
Sane? Holy crap, someone's calling Misty sane! What has this world come to? xD Misty's definitely wild in her very ways, especially with her temper/threatful side. It wasn't until the very later seasons where we all see Misty being a little calmer and mature than her early days which I personally have no problem with.
Hell, there were some people actually holding out throughout the entire 4 years of AG for Misty to return. She never did, so in retrospect, those people who spent those 4 years of AG under some belief that Misty would come waltzing back into the anime wasted their time.
Yes, us Misty fans waste our lives. I can agree with this only to a certain point with extremely ignorant fans. Other than that, all the Misty fans I know are very patient as well as being loyal. Many would love to see her return, but I personally think it might do something bad to her character. [I have a whole semi-rant about why Misty shouldn't be in contests if any of you are interested.] That's just me.
I have nothing against May or Dawn. It took me a while to warm up to May [more like nearly a year and former May basher], but do respect her and like her. While with Dawn, I like at the moment but I'm still indifferent and change my mind. What baffles me is other fans keep saying crap about their fanbase and whatnot. Just because there's a few idiots in a fanbase doesn't mean you have the right to imply all from the fanbase are.
I know that there ARE rabid Misty fans. I've seen them and picked at some of their idiotic views, but I don't go around picking at every single anti-Misty fan and drown them with countless information about why I think Misty's better. I don't have a problem if anyone dislikes Misty; more for the rest of us, I say. What I do have a problem with is anyone who keeps trying to stalk another fanbase by telling them they're horrible, they're being a laughing stock to the fandom. I mean, really? Why do others care so much? I dislike some fans out there but don't follow them around and assume every May/Dawn fan hates Misty and vice versa. It's a ridiculous arguement that I'm stating in general.
I've also seen how people complain how Misty never did anything in the show. Well, allow me to pick at that arguement.
- Competed in the Whirl Cup.
- Is now the official gym leader in the anime.
- Won a Seaking competition and recieved her prize as countless amount of chocolate.
- Is titled Queen of the Princess Festival.
- Saved Ash's life in Pokemon The Movie 2000.
- Saved Ash and co. in Pokemon Shipwreck.
- Helped Tentacruel realize that what it was doing was wrong.
- Gave Ash help regardless of how harsh she was; it did help Ash in the end, guys.
- Saved everyone's behinds in The Breeding Center Secret when Ash, Brock, and Todd were thrown into jail.
- Won the water race in the fifth movie.
- Rescued the Cerulean City Gym in Chronicles from being locked down.
- Has helped Nurse Joy to come to accept liking water pokemon in The Joy of Pokemon.
- Helped out a boy [whose name I forget at the moment] regardless that he hated water pokemon.
Just because Misty isn't really called the heroine or a main character doesn't mean she's forgetten. I always found her to be a heroine regardless of being called a sidekick. The writers still care about her to this day, being shown the mini Misty lure Ash now carries with him.
And for all the people who think Misty's the most selfish bitch around, why not have a look at all of the sweet moments she had?
- Misty stating that she never met someone like Ash before in Ash Catches a Pokemon.
- Taking care of Togepi should be bluntly obvious.
- Coming to accept Psyduck; she used to regret catching him but after watching him in battle with Koga, she started to like him.
- All of her fangirling moments over water pokemon.
- Encouraging her friends and basically any stranger around.
- Is a romantic person. She's not all hate, people!
- Misty's departure where she realizes how much her friends mean to her.
- Misty even saying "Awww" like May and Dawn do; holy crap!
- Defending her friends in any possible moment.
Misty is a good person. If you were struggling with something, she wouldn't deny helping you out. She'll make everything she says loud and clear no matter how cruel it might sound. That's one part why I like her so much. She's a sincere character who speaks her mind. She barely hides a thing except for when she didn't want to openly admit that she is one of the gym leaders, and her crush on Ash.
She left the gym mostly because I think [keywords] the reason was to become accepted and find herself some friends. When I recalled Misty remembering about how life was at the gym when she was little [and how her sisters got better things than her], I did picture her being the kind of person not having many friends. To me, she was the kind of girl who always hid behind the shadow of her beautiful sisters, and of course, got tired of being pushed aside. Sure, when she encountered Ash, she thought she was abusing Pikachu [Japanese version] and slapped him. She pointed out all the mistakes Ash made during the first few seasons of pokemon. And if she thought Ash was so dumb, how come she followed him around? I came up with the explanation that Misty only wanted a friend, someone to better than for once instead of how her sisters treat her as inferior. So when she got the opportunity with Ash, she didn't waste it. Even better that her bike was destroyed which could hide the fact as to why she would follow him. I honestly wouldn't blame her. If you had no friends whatsoever and were always shafted to the side but finally found someone who you would think is worse than you, well... hell, give it to them! Call me bias or whatever you want, but that's the way I think as well.
Misty did come to realize that she could have easily left her friends behind [Misty Meets Her Match, anyone?] but she didn't. She cared about them and enjoyed the moments she shared with all her friends. Misty's the kind of person who may be rough on the edges but really does have a sensitive side, makng her a sweet character regardless what people say. Then again, this is how I think, so I'm not speaking for the entire Misty fandom in the world. I got used to the majority of idiots I encounter, with a few exceptions here and there for the lols.
Bashing can go to hell. I like all the characters. Of course, some more then others, but theres always something people CAN learn to have: respect. I used to be one of those morons out there who couldn't stop whining over Misty's departure and blamed May. If I could chage my mind about a character then anyone is capable to. Love is always better than hate. *wink*
Hope people will comment on this one and maybe speak about their own experiences, too. Yes, I want to hear from the [former] bashers, too. :3