You know, even though some of my fandoms don't really have a huge fanfiction fanbase, how is it that there are still idiots who just bash the characters there?
The two subjects are under the cut.
Kurtis Stryker (Mortal Kombat)
Poor, dear Stryker. He really seems to have become a black sheep for the Mortal Kombat fandom. People complain that he's not "realistic in terms of MK." And let me say that argument does not make sense in the slightest. In a game with sorcerors, four-armed Half-Human Dragons, and Shaolin Monks who can shoot fire out of their hands and turn into dragons, don't tell me that an everyday police officer who uses guns and bombs is "unrealistic!"
Put it this way -- you are somehow and unexpectedly thrusted into a world where monsters and demons are trying to steal your soul and claim your home in the name of their empire. You weren't trained much in martial arts or swordplay, but you can get your hands on all kinds of guns and explosives and other stuff that you know how to use. Would you try to beat the forces of evil in vain by using what you don't know, or use what you already know to fool the enemy and swing things your way? That's what Stryker is. He's an everyday guy from our world who initially had no business being in that dark and what some would say, frightening, world of Mortal Kombat; he's an underdog who was the sole survivor of a city once populated by millions. He was scared, confused and didn't know what to do until Raiden told him that he's a chosen warrior. And instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, he took the situation into his own hands and used what he knew to help the other chosen warriors to save the world. That has got to be one of the bravest, most noble deeds ever done in Mortal Kombat, and it clearly shows that Stryker is a true hero.
Niki Sanders (Heroes)
I just don't get the flack Niki gets from the Heroes fandom. Sure, she may have been mentally weak with Jessica constantly taking over her, but look at how her life was playing out. She was a single mother, her ex-husband was convicted for gang related crimes, had to turn to being a stripper to make ends meet, and was being pursued by a criminal for money. That could wear anyone down, but Niki stayed strong and kept going on for the sake of her family. That's about as noble and loving as one could get. Yes, her story is the farthest away from characters like the Petrellis and the Primatech Company employees, but she was put into the story for a reason. She, Micah and D.L. were the ones who had to bring Linderman down and helped Peter and Hiro bring Sylar down.
And don't think about bashing her alternate future self. She lost her husband and son, and that's not the kind of thing anyone could get past in just five years. I myself am rather suprised she didn't already kill herself, but she kept living and trying to stay strong, because she knew it was what her family would've wanted. Niki is one of the more loving, noble characters of Heroes, and the fact that she was able to out-do Jessica in the end shows that she had gotten stronger through the course of the first season.