Azula SMASH!

Jun 03, 2006 23:04

Princess Azula, heir to the Fire Nation, Firebending prodigy, and master bitch queen who could lead me into battle any day.

Yes, I am a Azula fan. Why? Well, how do you describe what you like about a character anyway? I just do, and that's how I tell it to a friend of mine, who hate, hate, HATES Azula.

Her reason- "She's evil and a bitch! She should die!".

... so, if the character is good, wholesome, and an alright fighter, she's a weakling. If she's full of spark, firepower, and has an attitude that could make grown men shit themselves, she's a bitch. And if by some chance, the girl character is good at fighting and has an attitude that can go both ways, she's a Canon Sue.

I'm by no means saying that Azula isn't evil or anything. Hell, she's a downright sociopath. But it seems that no one is ever satisfied in the Avatar fandom when a female character is thrown their way. Last season, male characters that could fight reigned supreme (with the exception of Katara and Suki~), and now we get chocked full of fighting females, and what does the Avatar fandom do?

It freaks out. Grant it, the new slew of females aren't so developed yet, but is that justified grounds to bash? No, not really. Yes, Toph has issues with others helping her and treating her different. Yes, Mai might have feelings for Zuko. And yes, Azula is malicious and will cut down an enemy, friend and family alike.

*headdesks* Oh Avatar fandom, I give up.

women simply can't win, female characters, crying "independent = bitch!", avatar

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