"Why...it could be Grease Lightning!"

Apr 24, 2004 22:11

False Alarm. I'm just a newbie. I've been lurking since Feb'04, and well, I've been wanting to join since late march, but I've got this huge Shyness problem and whatnot. forgive me if I don't put anyone's last name, I may not remember it, or they may not have one, and forgive me if I use pairings or Romance as a reason, it's just a really big pet peeve of mine. so now I'mma gonna cut the chitchat and get to the point. and I'mma gonna see if I can LJ-cut right too.

Kurodoberi Jam (Guilty Gear): argh. I love her, but she falls victim to the Typical Yaoi Fangirl bashing and the "skank", "slut" and "whore" stereotypes, all because of her mortal sin of thinking a guy is cute. everytime I see this I wanna tell the basher "Takes a skank to spot one, eh?". but I'm too nice to do that. Also, people don't seem to like her voice, but I have no problem with it.

Kawai Shizuka (Yu-Gi-Oh!): Discovering that she was bashed made me very sad. I see how people can dislike her, but to flat-out HATE her?! it...doesn't...make...sense! argh. well, I guess it's because She's a girl, who isn't too good at dueling, and people need stupid reasons to back up their irrational hatred. blah.

Haruka/May (Pokemon:AG): oh good lord. this has to be one of the worst cases of bashing I've EVER seen. She's bashed for being "stupid" (it's called BEING A ROOKIE! worst I've seen is "Legally Retarded 10-year with a B cup" posted in another LJ comm). that's another thing she gets bashed for, being more "developed" then the average girl. this, again, leads to the stupid "slut", "whore", "skank" comments, but not only by Fangirls. alot of Misty fanboys are upset that Misty's left the show, so they take it out on her, which is where alot of the bashing comes from that I've seen. honestly people! not every New Trainer's got the IQ of an Alakazam and the skills to back it up! It's called "Learning"! ya know, that THING Ash has been doing for god knows how long?! argh...

Sakura (Naruto): I think She's a good character that got a really, really crappy role. then again, I could say the same thing about Anzu, who is stuck in the "cheerleader" role too. these characters get their time in the sun, but it doesn't seem to be alot.

Montblanc (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance): ergh. He gets bashed for "being annoying", and having Bad Stats, because He starts out with 4 levels of a Black Mage, which isn't the best Moogle Class. this started a HUGE war on the FFTA boards @ GameFAQs over how useful Monty was,when compared to Generic Moogles, or a Semi-secret character named Lini, who joins as a Mog Knight, and comes with Ultima. it finally died down, but man, I just can't believe how bad it got.

well, I wanted to add more then 4, but I've also got characters I don't like.

Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear): yes I know there's Ky fans here, and some Ky x Jam fans here, but in all honesty, I don't see what's so special about him. He's an overachiever (becomes the leader of an Army at age 16. not a bad thing, but makes my point.), and seems to lack personality. I mean, yeah He's very peace/love/justice-oriented, religiously devouted, and a nice guy. but still, I don't see what's so special about him. also, what's up with the weight thing?

Yamato Ishida (Digimon 01&02): Argh. if I can think of any character that would lead me to have any sort of bias aganist characters, it's this guy. throughout the 1st season, He had one of the biggest cases of Angst I've ever seen, was one of the biggest jerks I've ever seen, and it felt lik he got more face time then anyone else, sans Tai. I don't think I've seen anyone who matches his angst, not until Naruto's Sauske anyway. come to think of it...I think the Digimon fandom lead me to some of my Fandom habits I have today.

Link (Legend of Zelda, SCII): Shock and Awe! Somebody doesn't like "the ultimate old-school character"!. Frankly, how He's lasted this long without a personality is amazing. well, I guess it's because people enjoying playing "a badass avator", even if said Avatar is wearing tights. to be honest, everytime I see him in a game, I think Nintendo just wants to make a few extra bucks amongst their old fans. also, the Link x Talim trend amongst SCII fangirls is annoying to me, since I like Talim, and dislike Link. I find Yunsung to be one of the more tolerable "cocky badasses" I've come across, but that doesn't mean I'm a Yunsung x Talim fan. basically what I got out of their destined Battle is:

1) Cocky Guy shows up ready to destroy the sword.
2) Concerned Girl stops him, concerned for his safety, but in the "I don't want anyone to get hurt" way, not "I want to ride you like a dimestore pony" sense.
3) Cocky Guy, being stubborn about protecting his country, won't back down.
4) Concerned Girl sees she has only one option, and apologizes.
5) They Fight.

and well, that's pretty much it. if I've said too much for an Intro post, then I apologize. if you feel my reasoning isn't legit (I've been flamed for this before), sorry for that, and uhh...well, that's all I can think of really.

oh, and just a heads up: I started this at 8:20 PM PST. that's how long it took me to get this juuuuust right ^_^;

EDIT, 11:20 PM PST: Fixed some spellings errors. almost made another type that last sentence.

naruto, final fantasy tactics, pokemon, yu-gi-oh, guilty gear

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