A mailing list that I'm on recently got into a discussion about Watase-sensei's work Imadoki. For some reason, Ayashi no Ceres (my favorite Watase-sensei anime to date - I'm currently working on the manga and I like it more and more) came up and someone declared Aya a slut without any words backing up the claim.....
Just because her emotions are so horribly messed with that she has a hard time making up her mind? The following is from the mailing list:
"I don't think this series is naive. THere are still serious issues for instence theres the issue of famlly duty, teen pregnacy, bullying, suicide, and friendship. THe series iis perhaps not as mature in content as Ceres but it is still good. Tanpopo is a sweet girl not a slut like Aya.
"isa.mac" wrote:
Imadoki is great! More naive than other titles of Watase, but great, I love
Let's look at the facts about Aya....
1. she's 16 - still a teenager (this plays in for the following)
2. on her 16th birthday, her twin brother (close relationship) was taken from her by her family and they told her that she had to die.
3. Her family wants to kill her (that's reason enough to go a little emotional)
4. Her father was killed in front of her (literally, as he tried to protect her) by her paternal grandfather's henchmen.
5. Her mother was lied to by Aya's cousin and tried to kill her when she went to try to find her brother. She transforms into the heavenly being (see #6) and her mother, emotionally injured by the shock, falls into a coma. Aya naturally feels that this is her fault.
6. She finds out that she is actually a reincarnation of a heavenly being who is looking for her way to return to heaven.
7. She found out that her twin brother, Aki, is a reincarnation of the man who had taken her heavenly robe (that kept her from being able to return to heaven)
8. She and her brother are MORTAL enemies when they are in their other forms.
Given the above - and it's just a few of the reasons - There is no way that Aya is a slut. She had her emotions screwed with by her family trying to kill her. That's enough to make anyone suicidal... but Aya overcomes it and remains strong, though so many bad things happen to her.
Yeah she gets confused and hurt by Tooya...(It's NORMAL to want to be held when you've lost your family. the trick is [and she got it right] is knowing the difference between familial substitute and true love - but there IS NOTHING wrong with wanting to be held) but that's no reason to call her a slut - unless you're prepared to back up your words with some "facts"
People that would call her a slut.... I believe are just basically idiots. Jealous of strong anime women.
(if anyone has anything else to add that I may have missed, please add on!)