Oh Blair, Clarke and 313 other MPs, you really are a plethora of cunts aren't you? I was still seething from ID cards (Parliament had been doing so well, what happenend?) but then this for good measure. Like punching an animal in the head after you've broken its legs. Please, please, History... do not let this generation go down as 'when it started
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Also, 'plethora of cunts' is a beautiful phrase.
Still, the old saying 'a true Patriot protects their country from the government' remains as true as ever. And hey, maybe it'll result in some great art. Remember what Welles said in 'The Third Man' about Switzerland and the cuckoo clock...
Make of that what you will.
"All governments without exception are liars and muderers."
That's why I'll never be a leader, I wouldn't want to so the second part. Because, y'know, I could EASILY be the PM if I wanted to.
I once had an interesting discussion with a guy on patriotism, and remember pointing out that to actually be proud of your counrty borders on lunacy because you did absolutely nothing to achieve that status (I conveniently left out all the immigrants and refugees). So for the sake of argument I suppose a good patriot can be a person who believes in an ideal (agh, been watching too much Batman!) that is significant to their country but also universal, and is prepared to fight for it. [sheds a tear] God save the Queen!
However what constitues a worthy ideal is very subjective, as the cartoon row has demonstrated. 'Islamic' terrorists probably think they're great patriots.
Christ, this point, like my life, is going nowhere.
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