Man, only Ike can make a Slim Sword look good. The first thing that caught my eye was the Slim Sword. I was like, I'm sure Jen has a good explanation for it. It's as bad as me giving Ephraim a Slim Lance. ^^;
Oh toi Boyd. >w< I think he's the only fighter I might like. I'm using Cord in FE11, only because he can hit twice. >_> Boy can usually do that, I think.
Oscar's pic looks fine. Give him support and then he'd be invincible. I think he's supposed to be very balanced. He's... a guy on a horse?
Lol, my Kieran was the fast one and Oscar was stronger, I think. ^^; They were pretty even too, except Oscar was better.
I don't care how shitty your Gatrie is, I still wub him. ;A;
If Marcia is killer in your PoR, and if you use her in RD, I think she'd be more maniac than Gatrie. ._. Well, my Gatrie anyway.
Mist, yay. I'm surprised you could up her without using any EXP on Hard mode, kudos to you. =O (What, you didn't recruit Volke?)
Nuuu, it's Nephnay. You gotta put more accent into it. XP
Lance people can be awesome sometimes. *koffEphraimkoff* I mean, sure, you have a Knight for Myrmidon/Mercenary (what are those?) slaying, but if she's good, then she's good.
He's definitely gonna whoop old Shinon's ass. And Shinon knows that and wants it. ...Ew I... totally took that the wrong way. OTL
and now he's a whiny Resistance girl. Pfffffffffffttttttt.... XD
his RNG is so smart to have no Strength and to wisely invest it to his Defense I wish my Rhy's RNG was like that. D= Woah, your Rhys is kicking ass and taking names, I mean, even before he could use Light magic. XP
Yes, it's exactly like giving Ephraim a Slim Lance.
Yesh, Boyd has his speed. Cord? Sounds cute. Is he a new character?
Yeah, I see they fixed that. LOL, come to think of it, it's true that horseguys are balanced. He never really finishes his kills though (not with an Iron Lance anyway ^^;).
Kieran is definitely the faster one... Well, unless you count being balanced as "better," I think they're both good and reliable in their own way.
D'aw... Even though my Gatrie's not as awesome as yours, it's not gonna stop me from liking him. >_>
Well, it's not that Marcia's a maniac. She just does what's expected of her. But RD Marcia is definitely psycho. XD
It wasn't hard spamming the Heals, but thanks. You don't get less experience for healing, but aw geez, if you did, I'd have given up already. >_< (Silly Willy, of course I recruited Volke! I'm talking about the part where you find the Daein spoils, and 50,000G goes to Volke, and you keep 70,000.)
Yes, yes, I get it, southern belle. Yes, dem lance folks can be pretty super special awesome. XD Ephraim, the Soulja Lord? XD Actually, Knights don't slay the Myrmidons ('cuz they're 2 phat), but they certainly put the hurt on them. X3 I guess, if you're an Ephraim fangirl, you'll like Nephenee... if you're okay with the semi-decent strength, that is. ^^;
Oh, no, no, noooo. Not at all. On the contrary, you're absolutely right. ...How sick of me. .___.
He makes me so giddy. X3 That he is! I actually think he makes a better healer than attacker. ^^;
Cord is one of the old guy fighters that comes with Oguma. ...Right now he's dissapointing me and so is Merric for not getting the things they should. Same with Rena and other people.
Oscar doesn't finish his kills? D=
Kieran looks like the powerhouse though.
Too bad he's so creepy sometimes. ^^; It's prolly the only thing from making him one of my fav characters.
Yay psycho!Marcia. XP
OOOOOH. That's how you did it. XDDD Oh, that's what you're talking about, okay.
YOU~ Soulja lohd. XD I only like Ephraim as a unit. (He didn't cap anything at lvl20. OTL) Personality wise, I guess he's a robot? ^^;
Oh, he's old. I like old guys if they're useful. ^^; Yeah... it seems as though the Marf folks aren't very good, uh, at leveling up. Back to the old school, huh? -__-
Well, he's not super strong. Just... balanced. Wow, that's the only word I can think of for the squinty-eyed freak. Placebo enemy (Kitty's idea XDDD), on the other hand, has good strength, skill (surprisingly), and a tad faster than Oscar. It's just so like him. ^^;
Yeah, he is. Yay, I've fulfilled the Marcia/Gatrie A support, which seemed to take forever to get. ^^; I take back all my doubts for Gatrie. He's being himself again. Yay.
Ephraim's too balance to cap at LV20 Lord. Wait till LV20 Great Lord. He truly IS Cap Man. XD Well, I guess his personality is to tease Eirika... if that is one? ^^; He just likes to fight. Period. "I fight for adrenaline!"
...Yes. But he's so darn sloooow, and his 1 Strength makes Light tomes impossible to carry, weighing down his already low, low Attack Speed. ^^;
You know when you take a placebo, it's usually disguised as a medication (pill) of some kind, but actually has no effect. (I think it's a sugar pill. D:) So if someone took a placebo of something and think it's the actually drug, they might believe they actually feel better, even though nothing really happened. Think Space Jam when Daffy (or was it Bugs?) filled the bottle of water and labeled it Power Juice, or something. XD What Kitty's trying to say is that we always mistaken Kieran's red armor for... well, you know. XDDD
Sure. We gotta find some way to screw magic users over. Why not make their already frail arms and make them a greater vulnerability? -__-;
Well, I mean in general, pretty graphics and friendlier game play, minus all the crappy stat growths. (It's like... taking all those Yugiou monsters in that first Blue Eyes pack and making them prettier, they still have crappy ATK and DEF though.)
OH THAT. The suger pills, right? It was Bugs. And it's Jordan's Juice. Oh, okay, I gets it now. XD
Well, how do we make Reyson/other dancers carry all our crap then? XP
(Oh yeah, Marth is the convoy in Marf game, like the twins. Just saying.)
The first thing that caught my eye was the Slim Sword. I was like, I'm sure Jen has a good explanation for it. It's as bad as me giving Ephraim a Slim Lance. ^^;
Oh toi Boyd. >w< I think he's the only fighter I might like. I'm using Cord in FE11, only because he can hit twice. >_> Boy can usually do that, I think.
Oscar's pic looks fine. Give him support and then he'd be invincible. I think he's supposed to be very balanced. He's... a guy on a horse?
Lol, my Kieran was the fast one and Oscar was stronger, I think. ^^; They were pretty even too, except Oscar was better.
I don't care how shitty your Gatrie is, I still wub him. ;A;
If Marcia is killer in your PoR, and if you use her in RD, I think she'd be more maniac than Gatrie. ._. Well, my Gatrie anyway.
Mist, yay. I'm surprised you could up her without using any EXP on Hard mode, kudos to you. =O (What, you didn't recruit Volke?)
Nuuu, it's Nephnay. You gotta put more accent into it. XP
Lance people can be awesome sometimes. *koffEphraimkoff* I mean, sure, you have a Knight for Myrmidon/Mercenary (what are those?) slaying, but if she's good, then she's good.
He's definitely gonna whoop old Shinon's ass. And Shinon knows that and wants it. ...Ew
I... totally took that the wrong way. OTL
and now he's a whiny Resistance girl.
Pfffffffffffttttttt.... XD
his RNG is so smart to have no Strength and to wisely invest it to his Defense
I wish my Rhy's RNG was like that. D=
Woah, your Rhys is kicking ass and taking names, I mean, even before he could use Light magic. XP
Yesh, Boyd has his speed. Cord? Sounds cute. Is he a new character?
Yeah, I see they fixed that. LOL, come to think of it, it's true that horseguys are balanced. He never really finishes his kills though (not with an Iron Lance anyway ^^;).
Kieran is definitely the faster one... Well, unless you count being balanced as "better," I think they're both good and reliable in their own way.
D'aw... Even though my Gatrie's not as awesome as yours, it's not gonna stop me from liking him. >_>
Well, it's not that Marcia's a maniac. She just does what's expected of her. But RD Marcia is definitely psycho. XD
It wasn't hard spamming the Heals, but thanks. You don't get less experience for healing, but aw geez, if you did, I'd have given up already. >_< (Silly Willy, of course I recruited Volke! I'm talking about the part where you find the Daein spoils, and 50,000G goes to Volke, and you keep 70,000.)
Yes, yes, I get it, southern belle. Yes, dem lance folks can be pretty super special awesome. XD Ephraim, the Soulja Lord? XD Actually, Knights don't slay the Myrmidons ('cuz they're 2 phat), but they certainly put the hurt on them. X3 I guess, if you're an Ephraim fangirl, you'll like Nephenee... if you're okay with the semi-decent strength, that is. ^^;
Oh, no, no, noooo. Not at all. On the contrary, you're absolutely right. ...How sick of me. .___.
He makes me so giddy. X3 That he is! I actually think he makes a better healer than attacker. ^^;
Oscar doesn't finish his kills? D=
Kieran looks like the powerhouse though.
Too bad he's so creepy sometimes. ^^; It's prolly the only thing from making him one of my fav characters.
Yay psycho!Marcia. XP
OOOOOH. That's how you did it. XDDD Oh, that's what you're talking about, okay.
YOU~ Soulja lohd. XD I only like Ephraim as a unit. (He didn't cap anything at lvl20. OTL) Personality wise, I guess he's a robot? ^^;
Well, he's a Priest, isn't he supposed to be?
Well, he's not super strong. Just... balanced. Wow, that's the only word I can think of for the squinty-eyed freak. Placebo enemy (Kitty's idea XDDD), on the other hand, has good strength, skill (surprisingly), and a tad faster than Oscar. It's just so like him. ^^;
Yeah, he is. Yay, I've fulfilled the Marcia/Gatrie A support, which seemed to take forever to get. ^^; I take back all my doubts for Gatrie. He's being himself again. Yay.
Ephraim's too balance to cap at LV20 Lord. Wait till LV20 Great Lord. He truly IS Cap Man. XD Well, I guess his personality is to tease Eirika... if that is one? ^^; He just likes to fight. Period. "I fight for adrenaline!"
...Yes. But he's so darn sloooow, and his 1 Strength makes Light tomes impossible to carry, weighing down his already low, low Attack Speed. ^^;
Placebo? ^^; Define that, I have no idea what that means.
Yay Gatrie! X3
Oh... well.. ...We need strength to carry books? ^^;
You know when you take a placebo, it's usually disguised as a medication (pill) of some kind, but actually has no effect. (I think it's a sugar pill. D:) So if someone took a placebo of something and think it's the actually drug, they might believe they actually feel better, even though nothing really happened. Think Space Jam when Daffy (or was it Bugs?) filled the bottle of water and labeled it Power Juice, or something. XD What Kitty's trying to say is that we always mistaken Kieran's red armor for... well, you know. XDDD
Sure. We gotta find some way to screw magic users over. Why not make their already frail arms and make them a greater vulnerability? -__-;
OH THAT. The suger pills, right? It was Bugs. And it's Jordan's Juice. Oh, okay, I gets it now. XD
Well, how do we make Reyson/other dancers carry all our crap then? XP
(Oh yeah, Marth is the convoy in Marf game, like the twins. Just saying.)
XDDD I'm surprised you still remember that much about the movie. ^^;
LOL. Does it matter? Their storage defies their physique physics.
Yeah, Corina told me. ^^; I think it's neat that the lord is the convoy. XD
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