Mah Heronz

Feb 21, 2009 00:46


Guess wut, gaiz? Imma take nerding to the next level! XD

So y'all know I've been doing my second take of Path of Radiance on Hard mode, which surprisingly, isn't all that hard. ^^; Playing it for a prettier/cleaner file transfer for Radiant Dawn, to obtain more support convos, and hey, since I already love this game to bits, why not?

So, I just finished Chapter 22 (Priest volleyball XD), and I've gotten all mah units to promote! Well, except Mordecai 'cuz well... yeah. ^^;

Ike, the first to reach LV20, of course, but not the first to promote ('cuz you have to wait till that darned Chap. 17). Yeah, if you've fell victim, you knew how annoyed I was about how his Defense NEVER WENT UP until LV12. Then it shot up like an Aether. He's a LV10 Lord at the moment, and capped Strength (Meathead XP), but he has a long ways to go for anything else. I is sad. D': And why yes, I did give him that Slim Sword that Mia never finished. Man, only Ike can make a Slim Sword look good.

Boyd! The first of mah homies to promote. Boyd is Boyd. What can I say? He's awesome. But I think he'll always come out the same. First with the meatheaded HP/Strength, then Skill, then Speed, and the rest to too unmanly for the RNG to hit. A Fighter with Skill always makes me giddy. 8D

Oscar. Wow. I can't believe this is the same guy I made fun of during my whole first playthrough. D: (He did truly suck though, believe you me.) He's balanced. A little too balanced. Oh, but not in the bad, mediocre way. I'm looking at you, Roy and Eliwood.

-EDIT- I dun' know why this picture isn't resized. Photobucket likes to screw with me.

Kieran, surprisingly. Why does he always seem to start off miles behind Oscar... but end up seemingly cooler? >_< True to his recklessness, he does have good Strength. ...Maybe vulpixi_misa's people are weird. ^^;

I noticed a pattern in my games where my Cavalier(s) promote, followed immediately by my Knight. Huh, kookie. "Gatrie, you're AWESOME." what I'd like to say. And don't get me wrong. He was a blessing during the first part of the game. However, maybe I'm being shitted by the RNG with a Speed/Resistance-screwed Gatrie. I know he's not made for that kinda stuff, so it's not totally his fault. But the one thing that sets him aside from Brom is STRENGTH, so I woulda been a bit happier if he had capped that. vulpixi_misa's Gatrie had 19 before promotion. >_>

Was I right, or was I right when I said I'd always end up promoting a Pegasus Knight? ^^; Marcia ended up being more useful than I thought, instead of the bag of horse feathers I dreaded bringing out earlier on. (Great, she's got me talking like her too. ^^;) I was surprised at the Strength and decent Defense she was getting. Just give her a Full Guard, and she'll be set for life. XD

Okay, so you may be thinking, "Why the heck do you need two Knights for?" Well, maybe you should STUFF IT CHEESE BRAIN and get the fact that I'm playing this for support conversations, meaning I choose certain characters based on their supports. And no Brom meant no Nephenee, and I really wanted to try Nephenee from all the good things I've heard about her. Anyway, at one point, I was tempted to believe Brom was better than Gatrie 'cuz the only thing that makes Brom inferior is his Strength, and even THAT came dangerously close. But Gatrie made up for it in the end, and I wasn't about to dupe one Knight/General for the other anyway.

Mist! :D Okay, after one thing leading to another, I've taken a bit of a liking for her. Well, I'm not trying to sound mean but it's not that she's a particularly good unit... It's more of out of being forced to use her. But I won't deny that she's fun to use as a Valkyrie. X3 Just forge her a sword with that 70,000G you didn't have to hand over to Volke. XD I wish I could come up with cooler names. But yes, she does like to tear the flesh out of Mages and Bishops alike. 9 Strength, Mist? (Two more and she'd be like my Lyn before promotion. o__o) I'd say she's feeling a bit meatheaded like her big ol' brother.

It's Nephenay. Well, she turned out to be easier to use than I thought. Shockingly, our little country gal actually capped her Speed way before Marcia did. I am a bit disappointed that her Strength/Defense aren't a tad higher, and that Knight Ward right now is looking like a mighty darned handicap right now. >=/ I can't leave her by herself just yet, but she can hold her own. Oh, and did I mention that she's a Myrmidon slayer? XD

Rolf, Rolf, Rolfie boy, boy, boy... It always seems like a must to use him. Well, he's definitely a good archer. Not as Strength-crazed as RD Rolf proved to be, but still neat-o. I love a good archer with defense (or just about anything ^^;). He's definitely gonna whoop old Shinon's ass. And Shinon knows that and wants it. ...Ew.

Oh, dear, Soren. I dunno what came over me, but I totally forgot to take his LV20 pic. D: Ah well, he was a lonely bastard anyway since I was hesitant about giving him Ike B support. He coulda at least gotten a C support with Stefan that one time at good ol' Grann Desert, but nooo. Anyway, I dun' get why my 2nd playthroughs are so odd, or maybe it's really my 1st playthroughs that really are, and my 2nd ones are "regular." My first Soren was a Magic whore, and now he's a whiny Resistance girl. Huh. Well, he's more or less the same everywhere else.

Rhysie-poo! Why I ended up with two healers is beyond me, but I REGRET NOTHING. (And I'm feeling mighty good about getting both of them promoted with NO BONUS EXP WHATSOEVER HAHA IN YOUR FACE FAQS.) I like how Mist and Rhys are the reverse healers of each other where Mist gets the decent Mag/Res but the Speed, and Rhys is the Mag/Res tank with the Skill. If I can describe Rhys in just one way, I'd say he's the male Micaiah. ...Yet, Micaiah came later, so wouldn't Micaiah be the girl Rhys? ^__^; ZOMG, his RNG is so smart to have no Strength and to wisely invest it to his Defense 'cuz he knows he won't be using no knives or nonsense like that. Geez, you don't know the number of times the Goddess of Luck (Ashunera's cousin XD) has spared poor Rhys' life. Huh, he must have connections. Dood, he liek, totally has the same HP as LV20 Ranjah Ike. D8

Well, this turned out way longer than I imagined.

Phew, I have no life.

fire emblem

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