Kissed a Girl and Liked it

Oct 10, 2008 22:04

For the past few days, I couldn't think of doing anything besides reading textbooks and playing games (namely FE: Sacred Stones). I need serious help. -__-

Yes, I bought this at a school vending machine and it cost 90 cents. I gave it a dollar and I didn't even get my dime back. >_< Bastard machine. It doesn't help that Ike and Mike Mike and Ike doesn't taste good... Bleh to jelly bean-type candies. :P Oh, the things we do for our unrefined blue-haired lords. u_u

So I finished Sacred Stones last Saturday. My non-stop addiction allowed me to finish in two weeks. ^^; There's the Ephraim part of the story I didn't play, but that should've only been like, what, five chapters? D: Even so, the game felt pretty short. Last chapter is, like, 21. And that means I didn't even get the twins to LV 20. >_<

Shattap, I lack photography skillz and I can't take pretty screenshots.

In the remaining levels, Eirika's gonna max out her skill, speed, luck, and most likely even strength. So why does Lyn still seem better than her (who I only got to max out skill and speed)? D: It must be the fact that Lyn can wield a bow and... Eirika doesn't feel like learning a new weapon? ^^; And even though Ephraim's caps are pretty low, he still rocks. (Makes me wonder how he's dodges axes and criticals more with a luck lower than his lil' sis. -_-)

The ending's kinda sad. Poor Lyon. :( Aside from the one time I got Ross massacred by Shamans outta stupidity, I made it through the story with no other losses. 8D But that's only because I already knew the maps and how to recruit from playing through most of it once. I know I called the characters bland and boring before but... they really aren't. Well, just because Eirika, Seth, and Ephraim (or not? D:) are boring doesn't make their troops boring. And stat wise, since Sacred Stones is a newer game, the characters are probably better than the previous GBA ones. ...Or that could be because of the stat growth benefits from supports... which I've been a maniac with. ^^; Sacred Stones gets pluses because there are trial maps you can still play after completing the game. Good for milking experience. 8D

I may suck at using magic and I'm not all that good at the battles (it is really fun and I do want to master it ^^), but I wanna play more Kingdom Hearts... >_>

...Why can't I stop watching AkuRoku AMVs? >_>

fire emblem, kingdom hearts

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