The Pleasures of Fridays

Jan 21, 2005 19:14

Woke up feeling shy of a million bucks, but still pretty good considering the wonderous day is upon us once more. Isn't it great to think and even KNOW that the next day, will be a nice slow and uneventful day with plenty of sleep and even a bit of recovering in there somewhere.
Thinking, now thats a topic. I wondererd about psychologists and how they spend six odd years of their life in training to think about thinking about thinking. Rather odd. I can't stand thinking at all, yet they want to do it as a proffession. I don't get it. I'm not saying that i DON'T think, I like thinking about things that dont make me think other things that I don't like thinking about :). I guess it's a reason why I like to go and catch a flik every now and then. I like just sitting there being busy looking at something. Not thinking about the philosophies of life.

Anyhow, back on topic. Pleasures of Fridays.
My day started off as a typical Friday. Couldn't get out of bed, getting to work late, not doing anything much in the morning, just wandering around attempting to look like one is busy at hand, but not entirely accomplishing anything note worthy. Then it dawned on me. I did have something to do. I needed to clone a server so I could whack on RAID on the two 120GB drives in it, so I had some peace of mind that I won't lose peoples data. Anyhows, the bloody thing has been imaging all afternoon. 20GB image. Ouch. Now it has just finished making the clone. I made the RAID, and am now re-imaging the server, and was met with one of those God awfull events that makes your stomach go all funny. Terminal said that the image i was putting on the server was NOT bootable. OH Hell. Continue anyways. Its 30% re-imaged at the moment. I'm going to be very very sad if it thing doesn't boot. I'll probably cry and go home on stress leave.
It will take several hours for this image to complete, so I'm going home. Its 7:10pm... I think its home time.

I have some people at home waiting for me to entertain. I don't have the patience, or the 'botherness' to be bothered (cunny funt aren't I).
Mr Mik will probably want to go out and enjoy himself a few jugs of beer. I doubt I will be heading out. Depends on how I feel once I get home and these people leave. Knowing me, my mood will probably change and I'll want to go out somewhere which will result in me getting shitty at someone and yelling shit at someone I don't know. It's great anger management :). Those therapy classes sure have been paying off.

I bid you that you all have a good weekend and have a pint for me.

- #B-man
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