Thursday November 02, 2017

Nov 02, 2017 21:56

Hit the snooze button on the alarm clock. I've never really used the snooze button till this year. I must be getting old.

After some puttering around I went to work. I am beginning to notice I am forgetting more of what I do in the day of late.

I came home to a steak, potatoes, and salad with Russian Dressing for dinner. Drank a Ricky's Catch 23 Malt Liquor or a strong beer, from the Trailer Park Boys.

I played a bit of World of Warcraft. I haven't played for a week which is not surprising since this time of the year a lot of my past times become boring.

After a little FB I decided to do my WriSoMiFu.

Had some Nachos with Carzy Uncle Hard Rootbeer. I really like this Hard Rootbeer.

This is going to take some getting used to but I am glad I am doing it as I have been pretty bored of late.

apartment, food, wrisomifu, wow, alcohol, beer

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