Got started on New Years Resolution last night.

Jan 17, 2015 14:24

Had a couple people over for a movie and game and we watched Little Big Soldier with/by Jackie Chan. I think the Blue Ray player may need cleaning soon. Never got to the game part so maybe I should have people over sooner.

Spent part of the afternoon looking over my calendar to figure out a schedule for things I wan to do for the next couple of months so I can get out of my rut. Made some adjustments to my FB group for Anime North.

Moneywise I am doing fine but I haven't spent for costumes for AN 2015, nor do I know who is doing one of the critical characters we need for our skit. It might even have to be a prop.

And I found how many series I remember watching in their entirety - 131 and counting. And since The Hubby and I are watching at least 1.5 series a month - I will break 150 before the summer hits.

I really love my new Lamy fountian pen.

And I ordered Archie vs Predator 4 issue comic book run - becasue PREDATORS!!!

money, anime, the hubby, movies

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