Mignonne had her surgery yesterday.

Jan 15, 2013 23:31

And she is fine and home today.

Sans-souci had a funny guilty look on her face when I spied her sniffing the backpack I used to transport Mignonne to the vet's and back.

Gris-gris is trying to get in and try to do what he's been doing since she came in here.

So for the next week Mignonne will be sequestered till her belly heals. Meanwhile she is a very good lap cat, doesn't bolt off when I sneeze unlike Sans-souci. She will lay there while I watch TV quite happily. Finnaly get a decent lap cat and I did not have from the start of her life.

I find it most amusing both cats are lurking outside the computer room right now.

health, gris-gris, mignonne, sans-souci, cats

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