The year so far.

Jan 13, 2013 12:07

Buddha Monkey had a sleep over before school started. He is most definitely Gris-gris' favourite kid, cuddling right up to him when he arrived.

Despite me best intentions I did buy a book but it was on sale and I loved the idea of a vampire support group.

I got my haircut finally. Everyone seems to like it.

Diggy learned the hard way to READ for TIME and DATE for AAMN but at least she was bright enough to call my work number to find out where I was. But she came back the next night for dinner and to watch Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale, the two short films that started it, and Sint and Making of Sint. Nothing like holiday horror movies to make you feel happier post holidays.

The cats still don't like each other. And after tomorrow, Mignonne will be further sequestered due to her spay surgery. She is definitely a momma's girl.

The Hubby stayed home today so we can get paperwork stuff sorted out before then end of the month.

Work has been puttering along. I just wish people would call ahead so I am bit more ready for them.

I don't what going on in Japan but some of the anime producers need their meds and/or morals checked real soon.

So this month's project is get all the loose papers sorted and filed where they need to be. Wish us luck.

the hubby, mignonne, paperwork, diggy, budddha monkey, anime, work, gris-gris, movies, aamn

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